Sometimes it feels like my mind is looking for them, specially in intimate moments (I have sexual OCD). This has happened a lot of times... I'm in an intimate moment and the thought of: you havent thought about *something disgusting* pops up, as soon as I think that, it feels like my mind is scanning, looking for that disgustan thought :/ I lose attention, focus, and I end up thinking about the disgusting thing. Why does that happen? It's still an intrussive thought? Does this happen to anyone?
Can intrussive thoughts work like this? - My OCD Community
Can intrussive thoughts work like this?

All I say for sure is that the same thing happens to me. I am 78 and this first happened when I was 9-10.
have the thought but make an issue of it
yeah I think so. That’s how mine works, searching for different stuff or like the most extreme thought to visualize. For me meditation can help as well as self compassion. Sitting with the discomfort and knowing that only you can “see” your thoughts and that they aren’t real, just thoughts .Yeshe Ragbye meditation on YouTube helps me, the Buddhist meditation. Also the meditations for OCD and intrusive thoughts.Just a suggestion.
Hi Grimes1904. Yes, my intrusive thoughts work very much like that. When my OCD is unchecked, I tend to “scan” for the worst possible thought about anything and everything. My mind seeks out the very thing that will offend or scare me most, and it does this about any and every topic. I’ve had horrific thoughts about sex, religion, family, etc. The list goes on and on. Exercise, ACT, and meditation/mindfulness helped me for a while. I need to go back to my daily routine because I’ve noticed my intrusive thoughts kicking in again.
Yes, For me it happens if I do something fun. For instance, last night my wife & I went out with friends for a picnic and a show. We all had a great time. This morning I woke up with horrible thoughts and memories of mistakes I've made. It's as though my brain spent all night as a search engine, looking for ways to punish me for having a good evening and saying, "Ha, you THINK you had fun with your so-called friends, but I know you're really a worthless loser." It's miserable, I know. For me it usually hits when I first wake up and gets better when I get out of bed and go to make coffee. "The Happiness Trap" has been helpful to me. The author talks about "dropping anchor" when distressing thoughts crash onto you--recognize the thought and name it (oh there's my brain sending me gross images again), check in with your body (stretch, take deep breath, etc.) and focus on your senses--what do you see, hear, feel, etc. I'm simplifying it and it takes practice, but seems to work better than my usual habits of suppressing the thoughts, distracting myself, trying to forget about the thoughts, etc.

yes! That’s me
Yes. It is an intrusive thought. It’s like our brains are wired to look for something to distress them. I sometimes wake up in the morning, feeling great and relaxed, and at the next moment my brain is like “hey, something is missing. Oh yes, it’s the intrusive thought that scares the crap out of you”. I know it’s weird and it feels like your brain is trying to sabotage you. I’ve been there too many times.