Hi! Me asking again about intrussive thoughts... Sometimes it feels like I need to have the thought to please my mind, is this normal? (In an OCD way). I dont know how to explain this... Thoughts are distressing and literally ruin my mind. The content of the thought is not enjoyable for me, they are disturbing and not pleasant. But my question comes from the times the I think to myself "Okay, let's supress the thought, let's distract ourself" but that does not work... I always end up having the thought. While I'm trying to supress it and think about other things I feel some kind of stress! It's like my mind wants the thought to pop up, even if the content literally ruins my fucking life. I dont get it! Am I horrible or do thoughts work like that? I dont get the stress I get from supressing the thought! Its like my mind prefers to have it.
Again, I dont know if thoughts work like that and thats the reason thought supression doesn't work. Or I'm just horrible. Sometimes I just let myself have the thought because of that tension, and I feel shitty as soon as I have it, obviously, but if I dont have it I can't... I can't just distract myself and avoid it. And again, the content of the thought itself is disturbing! But I'm so confused. Why does it feel like I need to have the thought to reduce some kind of tension? When the thought itself makes me want to end myself.