Hi, I'm new to this. needed a release to share my stress around OCD. Nobody seems to understand..have had it since I was a kid. talked to a therapist and that helped a little but not the right approach. Currently feeling isolated and trying not to seek reassurance.. I have had lots of pureO thoughts in the past and have worked thru with acceptance. But more recently struggling with thoughts that thing s don't feel just right, Rocd, and compulsive decluttering . As soon as I start to feel better, I feel worse again.
pure OCD, compulsive decluttering, rumin... - My OCD Community
pure OCD, compulsive decluttering, rumination and reassurance seeking
Like a lot of conditions, OCD does fluctuate! Talking to therapists can be helpful, but it takes CBT to really get to grips with OCD.
The 'something doesn't feel right' feeling, particularly something you've done, or a choice you've made is part and parcel of OCD. One trick is to keep busy with different things. I've found that variety staves off boredom and that creative work is helpful as well. I've had OCD brought on again or made worse by very repetitive jobs. If this is your problem, then perhaps taking up some creative interest could help.
As for decluttering - I haven't come across compulsive decluttering before. I have an ongoing problem with clutter which I'm trying to get to grips with - managed to chuck out a lot - got some big bags of books that have been waiting to go to a charity shop etc. Compulsive decluttering - does that mean feeling you have to chuck things out?
It's strange, but OCD makes some people be really tidy and minimalist with all their things arranged 'just so' while with others, we become surrounded with junk and clutter.
It doesn't always follow that feeling better will result in your immediately feeling bad again. It's possible to make yourself more resilient to OCD so sticky patches are not so likely, nor so bad.
I'm curious, what does "seeking reassurance" mean in your situation?
My son (the person in my family who has OCD) found that he only made progress when we found a therapist trained in ERP. (He also gradually increased his SSRI until reaching a therapeutic level.) The IOCD website has a search tool for therapists trained in ERP -- have you given that a try?