I collect Breyer horses and this was in the news feed of one of my groups. Just hit me the wrong way. I know it's innocent enough. Idk. I feel Even awareness doesnt help much for us ocd sufferers because each individuals symptoms can be so different and I feel no 2 are alike. I have found that it is a very lonely illness even though we can relate in some ways to others. I guess I can't expect nonsuffers to understand if even another sufferer couldn't. Sorry for the strange wording
How do you all deal with stigma and such? - My OCD Community
How do you all deal with stigma and such?
Yeah that can be a tough call. It always bothers me when people joke about OCD and they obviously don't understand it. It's hard to explain to "normal" people why we get so upset over intrusive thoughts when we often don't understand it ourselves. Non-OCD people don't realize that OCD anxiety can feel worse and more intense than any other bad emotion people experience.
But I usually don't say anything, just grit my teeth and go on. I think the only way I'd bring it up is if someone habitually made OCD jokes. I try to remember that I have not always been enlightened about other people's struggles and I'm sure I've said hurtful things myself.
Still, if the situation seems conducive to educating someone, go for it. Most people don't want to cause offense.
BTW -- I'd never heard of Breyer horses before, but they're pretty interesting! I was really into model railroads as a kid and still like any kind of miniatures.
If people understood the half of it, they wouldn't use it as a punchline. Does NOT help when compulsive behaviors are put in things like TV shows for the sake of comedy (ex. Monk)