Hello everyone,
I would like to know how to deal with OCD when they can actually be on everything. Let me explain, for instance when I read posts of different persons in the forum I often become anxious as I'm thinking I could very well "start" to have this and that OCD.
Because the thing is, when you have one specific OCD, you can manage to find the adequate treatment, but how to consider the OCDs that make you scan everything that could freak you. I don't know if you understand what I mean... It's like there is no limit. The only benefit I get from it atm is that my brain cannot deal with 10 obsessions at the same time, so when some new things pop out, another one become more silent... Advice needed.
P.S : for those kind of OCD that come and goes within a day, I don't have compulsions, how to deal with OCD not having compulsion? Or maybe it's not proper OCD then?