I know I have posted on here before about this topic, I am really sorry to talk about it again, I am just really really struggling from the guilt of one of my past compulsions. The compulsion was to repeat a rude phrase out loud about a loved one to myself in private (the phrase which it wanted me to say is not something I have ever, ever thought before and the phrase it wanted me to say upsets me a lot) to prevent my intrusive thought from coming true and for my intrusive thought to stop for just one second. My ocd would not leave me alone until I repeated the phrase. It kept telling me and telling me if I didn't say it to myself what would happen, and that all my intrusive thought would come true. I feel immensely immensely guilty about giving in and doing the compulsion. The guilt is absolutely consuming me. I feel like a horrible person. I also feel alone, I haven't seen many posts about this type of compulsion, and don't see a lot about this type of compulsion. Sorry to post about this topic on here again.