I am interested in having a panel at the next OCD Conference this summer in Seattle. I have emetophobia, which is a fear of vomiting, and I am wondering if there are others out there that would like to join me on presenting. This could also go along with any of the contamination topics of OCD as well. If there is anyone interested please let me know by commenting below.
Emetophobia Presentation at IOCDF Conference - My OCD Community
Emetophobia Presentation at IOCDF Conference
Hi Roodle09,
I also have emetophobia and I am struggling lately. I don't want to participate to the conference but I am interested to know more about it. I have a hard time finding other people with this phobia that overcame this intense fear.
I know that there are a lot of people that have emetophobia but I have only met one other peson face-to-face. It seems to be really common in younger kids, but I am turning 40 next month. This is the one topic that my OCD has picked that I have had a harder time fighting. I am currently in IOP to work on managing my OCD better. I would suggest finding an IOP program if you can as that is the one way that has been successful for me. Check the IOCDF website to find providers near you.
Hey Roodle: I've had this problem for years and it has never gotten any better. It's so scary for me. It started as a child and the fear has been with me forever, I've given up trying to overcome this.
Hi. I also have ocd since ever! But I won't give up. Are you on meds? I am. It's been so helpful taking those different pills.
I am interested in being on a panel but I have harm ocd. Emetophobia and harm might be a stretch. It is great that you reached out!