I have harm ocd and have been in remission from it for about three months. My depression also improved greatly after getting off of Clomipramine. I basically didn’t feel better until I was off all the drugs. Forward to today. For the past couple of weeks I’ve been under some stress. My sleep began to be affected and yesterday I had a breakdown. Crying spells, anxiety, pain, rage and intrusive thoughts. I’ve reached out to my primary doctor and she suggested I see my psychiatrist again. My hormone doctor thinks I should wait it out and blames it all on the stress. Here’s the thing though, last night I ended up at the hospital and they loaded me up on Ativan. It put me to sleep but now I’m feeling emotionless and dark. Hormone doc wants me to stay on the Ativan and see how I feel in a week. I’ve been on that pill and it was hard to come off. All it really does is put you to sleep but it loses its power after a few months. I’m doing therapy so I’m hoping that’ll help me cope and sleep better. When I get into bed and close my eyes my brain starts showing me so pretty creepy stuff :/ Distorted faces just scary things! The nurse last night said it’s anxiety. How can I reduce that? I try to tell myself it’s stress but my body reacts with anxiety and fear. Also any advice you have on all of the above would be appreciated! Thank you so much
Not feeling well. Please help. - My OCD Community
Not feeling well. Please help.

I got rid of Ativan put it down the sink! Stupid drugs.
Hi Corgi ! It so hard to say what the next step should be !
I like to stay away from my Ativan . I am taking Lexapro at the moment !
Each person is different !
I just want to wish you better day ❤️
Anything work for sleep with you all? I tried Lunesta and woke up after three hours. My harm ocd and anxiety are very crippling when I don’t sleep. I end up at the hospital that’s how bad it is Relapse sucks!
Going to bed is a struggle for me because my mind goes straight to negative thoughts as well. It's also when a lot of people experience racing thoughts. It's easier for me to distract myself with the TV, or if you sleep next to someone get your headphones out and listen to relaxing videos on YouTube.
Why are you seeing a hormone doctor? I would see a psychiatrist and just see what they say as far as being able to give you medication that wont interfere with your hormones?
Hi corgi86,
I've woke up this morning with my usual OCD racing thoughts, feeling anxious after an ok day yesterday. All I could think was o no not again and this is never ending. All the techniques I'm desperately reading about went yet again out of the window. Slowly it dawned on me that I need to turn this negative experience into a positive. I thought that you can only combat this bully whilst in this state so I thought this is my opportunity to poke this bully in the eye, I just let it be, acknowledged that it's the OCD bully, my anxiety will rise, peak and slowly subside and it has x I hope you feel some relief from your anguish soon x sending you a big tight hug x
Hi corgi! Sorry for your pain😓 I’ve been there. Every am for a long time I’ve woken up with intense anxiety. Now I just let it be. I accept that it’s there. It’s just my overactive amygdala!! And you know what?? My anxiety has lessened greatly. When you don’t feed it, it dies!! Same thing with scary thoughts and images- let them be. Welcome them as friends!! Don’t fight them- they are just your wonderful imagination!!
Also, please try and find an ocd trained therapist that does erp. You can go to IOCDF website and they will help you💝