This Forum is amazing and I depend on it. I'm interested in others who may have had something similar with auto-immune issues on Besremi. Apologies for the saga.
Diagnosed with PV August 2021, AB 22%, put on Hydroxy for a year, then Besremi for the past 20 months, gradually increased from 50 to 450 mcg and on that dose for the past several months. No serious side effects (other than itching), good platelet control, less HCT, no venesection until summer when had to have 2 partial to keep HCT below 42 (I'm female). I also have been hypothyroid for over a decade and well controlled on fairly low dose Levothyroxine.
Then in September during a trip for my son's wedding, I skipped 1 Besremi injection (with MPN specialist's approval) - a week after the missed injection I developed a terrible case of Hives (first in my life). My MPN specialist suspended the Besremi pending hives evaluation. Zyrtec is managing it and they went away but then came back with a vengeance and are now chronic. I also discovered subsequently that my thyroid went from years of controlled to elevated, and then elevated again. Increased the Levothyroxine. Referred to an allergist/immunologist this week and she diagnosed the Hives as auto immune and potentially influenced by thyroid. Will be on Zyrtec indefinitely. Thankfully it is controlling the intolerable hives.
I have been concerned about being off of Besremi and my MPN specialist (who I value greatly) agreed I could re-start at 200 mcg and see how it goes, however, she also started the process to get approval for Jakafi. I have been so hopeful on Besremi and waiting to get to the end of this year for VAF testing and I am not enthusiastic about starting or combining another heavy-duty solution.
I'm not sure where this road leads next but my question is: Is it realistic to think that the auto-immune issues are not a reason to discontinue interferon and/or can be resolved, or does this need to be the end of the line for Besremi? Thanks for your patience in getting this far.