PV diagnosis - 2010Post-PV MF diagnosis - 2022
Last year after plummeting blood counts and a bone marrow biopsy, I was diagnosed with post PV MF. I was taken off Besremi and got bimonthly CBCs. I had no other symptoms. A recent blood test showed 'normal for me' blood counts - platelets in the 300s, red blood cells almost 6 and white blood cells were 17,000. I need a phlebotomy due to a high HCT! Perhaps others can understand that I find this comforting - to go back to results I experienced before this latest diagnosis. Anyway, I'm finding peace that my drop in counts was due to Besremi and not quickly progressing MF. I do not know what my journey will be like in the future but I will try to avoid the catastrophic thinking that I indulged in this past year.