my hematologist wants me to get my platelets under 400 for my surgery so I had to up my hydroxyurea to every day instead of 4 a week. He’s ok with them in the 500 range but thinks it’s better for them to be lower for surgery. He says I can cut back after a month after surgery. I really want to stay on lowest dose possible. Anyone have experience with pre surgery meds? Thank you for your wonderful help on this site.
hip replacement soon: my hematologist wants me to... - MPN Voice
hip replacement soon

My hematologist and MPN Specialist did not care about the platelet levels heading into any surgery. They did care about INR and bleeding risk. Thrombosis is easily controlled with heparin or a similar agent. Suggest you review this with a MPN Specialist if you have not already done so.
that’s a really low dose you are on. I would follow his advise . Good luck with surgery
Yes, me. My hip replacement was the only reason I finally agreed to any meds at all, after 2 years with nothing, and platelets between 1000 and 1400k. Only symptoms FFF.When hip got really bad, I too was told that ideally they wanted to see it below 400 before they would operate.
Took Peg for a year. Mostly 45 mcg every fortnight. No other meds before or after. Although they did send me home with an anticoagulant tablet.
MPN specialist said we could discuss weaning me off Peg once I had recovered, but thought I would probably want to stay on it.
Six months post-op and I think I probably will.
Now turned 80, I feel 20 years younger than I did. I am fit as a fiddle, apart from the FFF, which never went away.
It you would like to discuss how my MPN affected the surgery, please chat.
that sounds a bit unusual , could I ask you if you are on baby Asprin and if you have to stop for the op