I have had text from doctors saying for me to go and have shingles jab as 70 now has anyone else had this and is it ok to have thanks
Shingles jab: I have had text from doctors saying... - MPN Voice
Shingles jab

Hi Chel1, Do you have an MPN ? I'm in the UK, in my seventies with ET for which I take Hydrea My consultant told me that as the shingles vaccine was live, then I could not have this because of the medication. Who sent the text was it your GP or Consultant? When I had my first Covid jab at my GP's he wanted to give me the shingles jab. When I told him what my Consultant said, he checked it up and confirmed that this was correct. Best that you query this with whoever sent the text.
Hope this helps, David
I have ET on Hydroxy and I had the shingles jab. Check with specialist if concerned. I was fine.
At the Forum on 25th August I believe it was said that people with an MPN should not have the Shingles jab. But check it out. The event is on uTube.
I believe the shingles jab routinely offered in the U.K. is live and therefore if you have an MPN you should NOT have it. There are other non live shingles vaccines on the market but you’ll need to ask. I know that members of this Forum who live elsewhere have been jabbed with these non live versions.
I agree with ebot. You should not have a live vaccine (for anything including pneumononia) with an MPN. There are 2 different shingles vaccine so it depends what is offered where you live. Shingrex is the NON-live vaccine made by GSK. In some places you have to pay for it yourself. Zostavax is the live one (made by Merck) and I believe is much cheaper so often that is the one on the free or subsidised lists. Your GP may be unaware that you should not have it. Those emails are usually sent out to anyone who turns 70. All the best.
I agree with the others. It has always been my understanding that people with MPNs should definitely NOT have the shingles jab.
Hi Chel1, I have had ET JAK 2pos since 2013 I was told by my Haematologist that I cannot have the shingles jab as it is a live culture. I am 72. It was also on my GP records so has never been offered although I did get the pneumonia jab which was fine.Jean
Hi, I am 65 and live in the US, but had my first one about 1 month ago. I have ET and am on Hydrea and my Hematologist and GP suggested I have it.
Hello Chel1.I live in the USA and have Polycythemia Vera Jak2+. I have had both the Zostavax and Shingrex vaccines.The Vostavax years ago and the Shingrex just recently,I believe the Vostavax is live vaccine and Shingrex is not.My specialist from Mayo Clinic recommended the Shingrex.My cost around $200 US partially covered by insurance.I had to get 2 jabs a couple month apart with no ill effects.Check with your specialist on Shingrex.Best wishes.
Hi, similar to Ridenez, I have had both. The zostavax years ago and last year the Shingrex (before diagnosis with PV) with no ill effects. I have a friend who contracted shingles and it is quite a battle which motivated me to get it.Good luck!
Hi Chel1. I have had the text from the GP but it doesn't name the intended drug. I have the same question as yourself. therefore, if anyone out there has an answer, please let us know because I would prefer to get the vaccine. ATB P