Hi everyone how is everyone going with the jabs they have had I haven’t had one and still scared to I already have ET if I gave it I might get a double lit and die
COVID JAB: Hi everyone how is everyone going with... - MPN Voice

Hi Windy I havnt had the jab yet either, I have been out there exposed to it all as I still had to work and I am ok, but that’s me so I just wanted to let you know you are not on your own x
Hi Windy,
It’s hard not to worry when there’s so much misinformation floating around on top of a genuine risk of a very scary sounding side effect isn’t it? I think talking to your doctor who can advise you as an individual is really the best thing you could do.
I had covid last year before I knew I had ET. Thankfully avoided hospitalisation but I was very ill with it, and am still dealing with some effects 12 months later. I was a fit and healthy 37 year old at the time. Between covid related cardiac issues & crippling post viral fatigue Covid stole 7months of my life. Couldn’t work, couldn’t exercise, couldn’t even cook/clean for myself. And there was nothing any specialist could do to help me and no answers as to why it was happening or how to treat it. It was a frightening place to be in.
Personally I felt the risk of having a negative outcome from the vaccine was so minimal compared to the risk of covid complications that being vaccinated was definitely the right thing to do. My doctors felt the same.
I’ve had my first jab, was a little achey & tired for 2 days. Felt perfectly fine after that! I’m getting my second dose in a couple of weeks and couldn’t be more excited about it!
Hope that helps 💚
Can I ask why you decided to have the jab when you obviously had a wild infection that should have given you lifetime antibodies? Did you test the antibodies first? I would really like to understand the reasoning here and respect any decision you made about it.
Sure AnBee 🙂
Full antibody testing isn’t available from our health service in Ireland outside of clinical trials at the moment. Some private operators are offering testing but with varying degrees of reliability. It had also been a full 12 months since I’d had covid, so while it’s definitely possible that I had natural immunity there was no guarantee.
The dr will just say having it is less risk than not having it . Government lead policy . Doubtful they will advice you as an individual . We can only hope they would!!!!
I’ve had 2vaccines no side effects . Never have flu jab . Or any other jab
Let’s get back to feeling at ease then decide if we want regular booster?
I get the flu shot every year (not so much to keep me from getting the flu as to ensure I don’t pass it to someone else), I’ve had the shingles vaccine (here in Canada it’s the newer Shingrix which is not a live vaccine) and I’ve had the first of two Pfizer Covid vaccines. A slightly sore arm has only ever been the side effect.
Hi Windy - I was very apprehensive about having them. Especially when it came to having the second as it was around the time of the negative EU press campaign. I did a lot of research, spoke to my haem and weighed up the risk versus the benefits.
Now I look back and realise that I was worrying about nothing. I've had both AstraZeneca jabs with little or no side effects - My arm hurt and I felt a bit achy after the first, and a few days after the 2nd I felt exhausted.
All the adults in my immediate family: Mum, Sisters, Brother, Brothers-in-law, Daughters (they work for the NHS) and Sons-in-law have also had the vaccines, and they are all fine.
Hope that this reassures you a bit, but if not, and you're still unsure, remember that you have a choice whether to have it or not. Kari
Hi Windy I’ve had both Astra Zeneca and apart from mild symptoms after the first was okMy Haematolygist said everyone should take it up once offered even if you only build up limited antibodies he said you still get T cell protection which outweighs the risk of serious Covid infection
Personally I couldn’t wait to get the vaccination
I think just because we have ET etc we do need the covid vaccination, especially our immune system is low due to our conditions and can easily catch anything.I have had my first dose of Astrazeneca, had no side effects at all, didn't even have a sore arm, and 2nd dose will be end of June. I think having the vaccination not just good for ourselves, also good for the community too. I also had my flu shot inbetween.
I can understand fears, especially after the AZ has been the subject of such scrutiny, but the risks really are so much lower than not having the vaccine.
I have had both mine and a little fatigued after the first and fine after the second.
Hi Windy, I have ET on aspirin only. I have had both jabs, the first before the news of the blood clots came out and the second a couple of weeks ago. My thinking was that Covid could potentially be deadly if I caught it and the risk of a blood clot from the vaccine was very small, so I decided to have the second jab. I also thought that the fact that I am on aspirin helps to protect me against blood clots with my ET, so might help with any potential blood clots from the vaccine. It all comes down to personal choice and weighing the risks and benefits up for you personally , there are a lot of folk with ET on here saying they have had both jabs with only minor side effects, so hopefully that gives you some reassurance.
Hi the first AZ I felt going in- I’m a feeble nurd when it comes to jabs. Any way no soreness nothing.
The second was the tiniest of pricks yet had and achy seem for about 4 days and that’s it.
I’m just waiting to be called to Guy’s to participate in immune research regarding MPNers and Covid jabs
Good luck and try not to worry xx
I've had both jabs, Pfizer, no problems, sore arm for a couple of days. I have a flu jab every year, no problem there either. I was more worried about catching covid and having serious problems than side effects from the jab. My friends brother recently passed away from covid, he had heart problems and the covid destroyed his lungs and heart, rather the jab than that.
I've had both the Pfizer shots, Friday will be the end of the two week post shot period. The first shot was no problem, other than a sore arm. The first night after the second shot was uncomfortable, but no worse than a regular flu with somewhat weirder sensations. The second day was mostly fatigue with a very mild fever, but I was able to spend the day napping. My reaction to the vaccine was no worse, and in one case considerably better, than that of friends who do not have ET.
If you are getting one of the mRNA vaccines, you won't need recuperation time after the first shot, but plan on a few days to recuperate after the second shot. Most of the people I know who got an mRNA shot still felt dog tired even if they didn't feel feverish or achy.
Whenever I see reports of adverse reactions to something like vaccines, I try to find out how frequently that adverse reaction occurs in the population as a whole and what the context is, ie: risk of taking the vaccine vs risk of coming down with the disease. Very seldom is the risk from the vaccine is higher than the risk of the disease, sometimes the risk of the vaccine is higher than the risk of not taking the vaccine if you don't get the disease, but frequently you'll find that there is very little difference between the two numbers. For example with the AZ jab the following was found:
Vaxzevria and blood clots: the risk in context
Over 20 million doses of the AZ vaccine have been given in the UK so far. According to the MHRA, the risk of a serious blood clot as a result of the jab is approximately one in 250,000 people vaccinated, or four in a million. It’s also worth noting that Covid-19 itself carries a significant risk of blood clots; according to a study in the journal Thorax, the prevalence of pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis in people with the virus was 7.8% and 11.2%, respectively.
What’s more, around 10,000 people usually develop blood clots in the EU in any given month, while an estimated 3,000 blood clot cases occur monthly in the UK. The general population’s risk of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) – one of the blood clot types observed in Vaxzevria recipients – is around five in a million; slightly higher than the risk associated with the vaccine.
I have had both fever and sore arm with 1st one 2nd one nothing had astra arnica vaccine.
Hi, I am et jak2 + 73 years old and had both Astra Zeneca jabs and couldn’t wait to get them. Now I can start living my life again with a little less worry.