Has anyone else received the letter from their gp stating that because I may have lower protection from the vaccine given that I am immunosuppressed my contacts can have the jab,the only condition is that there over 16?
My adult contacts are now eligible to receive to... - MPN Voice
My adult contacts are now eligible to receive to covid 19. Vaccination

I’ve had nothing but that’s interesting the government know the vaccine doesn’t give full protection to immune suppressed they are trying to develop a vaccine with Astra Zeneca at present that there hopeful will be ready for September I wrote to Matt Hancock and received a letter detailing this
Yes I have had the letter, doesn’t apply to me though as my only contact is my age so already vaccinated.
I haven’t had any letter but as soon as we heard that anyone over the age of sixteen in the same household as someone who was CEV could be vaccinated our kids registered. They were vaccinated last Friday with the Pfizer. (We had to chase after a few weeks - I suspect they fell off the list - but we got an immediate response from the GP. )
Thanks for your replies, I was just a little surprised that the doctors surgery have put in writing that I may have lower protection as I'm on hydroxy.
I had a letter last week from the Scottish CMO as part of the shielding service. It sounds roughly the same as yours but doesn't actually spell out about problems with being immunosuppressed. Just says 'the sooner your adult household contacts register to be vaccinated, the sooner there will be an additional level of protection for you' so obviously they are concerned we need more protection.
The week before I got a letter followed by a text saying anyone living with me could order lateral flow tests . I ordered them online and they arrived very efficiently in under 24 hours.
Yes I have and was truly grateful to be able to get my son & daughter vaccinated who are in there 30’s!
Yes I had a phone call from GP’s surgery 2 or 3 weeks ago asking who was living in my household and mentioning they were advising anyone living with me to have the vaccine because I was immunosuppressed. I told them only my husband and I lived here and had both had 2 vaccinations.
I would like to clarify if our immune systems are suppressed because of our MPN or is it the Hydroxy which causes it. Some articles say Hydroxycarbamide is not an immunosuppressant and some say it IS. Any thoughts on this? Fran
I had it as well, I am in my (very) late 30's and only on Aspirin for ET (and inhalers for asthma).