Reactions to Covid-19 Vaccination?: I see nobody... - MPN Voice

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Reactions to Covid-19 Vaccination?

JackLina profile image
61 Replies

I see nobody mentioning debilitating side effects of the covid-19 vaccinations. How come? My experiences(o better each time) have been nothing short of horrendous. It takes a lot for me to take to my bed but in these cases I have had no choice. Completely 'filleted' and in agony throughout my entire body. Nausea, headache, shoulder and back ache, leg-ache, stomach ache..... That is not a complete list and I am still feeling the effect three days later.

Anyone else had this experience?

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JackLina profile image
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61 Replies
3cance profile image

I’m sorry you had such an awful reaction to the COVID vaccine. I had nothing more than a sore arm with mine. When I had the second booster my arm hurt down to my elbow and it lasted several days. I have had the Moderna vaccine each time.

Stevesmum42 profile image

That is a very extreme reaction, must have been scary for you. Did you contact any medic about it ? I hope you are feeling very much better now.

Regards Sandy

JackLina profile image
JackLina in reply toStevesmum42

Hi Sandy. I did mention my extreme reaction when I went for my second vaccine and was told that unless I went into anaphylactic shock or stopped breathing there was no problem. So I went ahead and suffered again but I haven't had covid......

Otterfield profile image

I had no ill effects from the vaccine at all, but I know of a few who were unlucky like you, with at least one feeling under the weather for a week. I've heard of similar reactions to the flu vaccine too. I don't think there is any link with MPNs but someone may know differently...I hope you feel better soon.

JackLina profile image
JackLina in reply toOtterfield

Thank you for your reply. Yes, I too was affected for a week on one occasion. Five times, each as bad as the previous but varying time-spans. My first two were Astra Zenica and the last three, Pzizer. 5 days, 4 days and still waiting to feel better after my 5th.

I did mention to the nurse giving the injection at my second jab that I had suffered as a result and the only comment was, 'if you didn't go into anaphylactic shock or stop breathing you'll be fine!!!' This is not my idea of 'fine'.

Thank again for your response.

Swede profile image

Hi, no, I had no bad experience at all. You must have been very unlucky.

Notdiagnosed profile image

I had a reaction as I believe to my first being a facial droop. And a numb finger I admit im prone to shingles and had ramsay hunt before and shingles after first getting what I believe was covid as we first locked down. but after my first jab I had it again.

After my second jab I had 3 small purple bruises just underneath the top of my arm. These bruises eventually developed lumps which were noted to my gp via phone. I was told definitely nothing to do with vqccine. Both were astrazenica.

Then my 3rd was pfizer and I had severe dizziness and nystagmus and like you I did ask my gp if I should have it after first 2 reactions. She said as you have no allergies to get it done. I felt quite ill if um honest. I went to my gp and had tachycardia and high BP and she sent me for bloods. Hence my being checked for mpn yet again.

When I had the 3rd iI said to the health care woman again about my reactions to the first and she said "must have hit a nerve". I also said about facial drops and she said "no such things". I had the jab and AFTER was handed a leaflet with the side effects and facial palsy was one. I felt so let down . I get told no one had ever suffered facial palsy and then after jabbing me she gave me the side effects lesflet.

It's annoying because I was sat ages along with others waiting for a jab and could have read the leaflet then before deciding . I know jabs are good but not good for everyone and you shouldn't be shot down in flames if you report a reaction to it.

Did you report side effects via yellow card scheme. I did.

Anag profile image
Anag in reply toNotdiagnosed

Ive learned to never get another jab if the 1st had significant side effects. I didn’t notice mine in the veins my legs because the problem crept up on me. After the second, I was run over by a bulldozer. A year later and 3000€ poorer trying to get the damage caused out of my body and brain through bioresonance that actually worked, the damage in my leg veins remains forever. My brother got Bell’s palsy after the Pfizer. Paralysis on half his face. 2 months of cortisone followed. He was one of hundreds in North Carolina

Elleuno profile image
Elleuno in reply toAnag

Bio resonance……do you have info relating to this Anag?

JackLina profile image
JackLina in reply toAnag

I my goodness. How dreadful. Which vaccine did you have? Incidentally, I'm presuming that is my bulldozer you've met......! Ha Ha!

socrates_8 profile image

Hey JackLina... :-)

(Apologies: Please accept in advance my apologies "should they be required" for this rather"long-winded" & no doubt, controversial Post).

Firstly, I too am very sorry to be learning that you are one of those fateful few, who has also succumbed to adverse reactions, (perceived or otherwise), borne of the theory that this was in fact, "Caused" by the CV–19 vaccine/s... (?) Remember here please, that I am not saying that it was not caused in this way... Merely trying to communicate the context & intent of your Post etc.

Please do not misunderstand my intent here "JackLina". For I am not judging you or your claims of having experienced, any adverse reactions. Possibly caused by a poorly considered, and rushed into "service" (meaning the service/actions leading to that of a global vaccination effort), vaccine technology... (?)

Quite some time back now, (just after the outset of the CV–19 "Pandemic"). I too was one who was foolish enough to have voiced concerns of the logic behind such an action, and even given all the possible permutations, (ramifications – ill or otherwise speculated). I however, still could not resile myself to what I could only describe as a fascinating decision, over & across many levels, (meaning the decision & actions taken by a collective of global nation states to commit its people to become "live guinea pigs"), for want of better phraseology, as the first & best answer to solving the CV–19 pandemic...

There seems, as often historically proves to be the case w/ the theoretically founded hypotheticals of the academic, (Peer-reviewed, variety...). That there is/was always an incredibly healthy level of competitive, assertive & robust debate in academia, behind any newly developed "miracle" drug/s & all the claims inhered... Whatever their claimed purpose or intended & marketed results etc... (Winning in creating the next is quite a prize...)

To some readers, people might say: "Show me those claims..."

However, there are just too many for me to start cherry-picking from... Nevertheless, if indeed people still wish to be reminded of the tragic results of some of those more controversial instances like:

* Smoking doe snot cause cancer...* (As stated by a host of major cigarette manufacturers to the United Stated Congressional hearings)

* DDT: "...does no harm to people..." According to Monsanto" (Rachael Carson's book - Silent Spring, should be mandatory reading for all high school students, in my view...)

* ROUNDUP: "...does not cause cancer & is generally harmless to humans... ("...a recent US supreme court found for the defendant & awarded the largest ever compensation payout..."

(Ongoing Appeals – stymying the results).

Interestingly however, most Australian local authorities continue to use ROUNDUP, as a cheap & nasty weed-control strategy, and this happens all over Australia because the councils' receive a financial subsidy for doing so...

Sadly, the neo-liberal values that we all ascribe to & live by, & have all learned to prosper from, are those very same value systems that are harming ourselves, our children, our generations to come & our planet itself, in my view... However, one might say at this juncture that I am merely rambling away here w/out providing true 'Reference' information to back up my claims, & that I am obviously a 'Left-wing' nutter...

Nevertheless, I have digressed a tad that's true... but for a purpose of course... (Email me privately & I am happy to provide specific literature to specific claims above of course...)

Returning to the subject at hand; COVID–19, & it's plethora of "Untried vaccines" on the heretofore ignorant human population, (prior to the CV-19 outbreak), and given the variety of those untried vaccine methodologies... I did continue to grow more & more concerned. Hence, I set about trying to better comprehend the purported logic behind the whole, (what is often referred to in academic parlance as that of a "Wicked Problem".

And then the obvious questions that follow of:

* "What actions should we take w/ this previously unheard of "Corona" type virus?"

* "How should we do it? – Using previously successful & known vaccine methodologies, like those that created the 'Small-pox' vaccine, or use a previously unheard of "Gene-based' model, that thus far lacked the completed "ALL THREE (3) PHASES" of human trials?"

However, before allowing oneself to follow "Alice" through the "Twitter-sphere" (or any other form of 'Social Media"), where people become hooked by the language of an eloquent wordsmith, who then proceeds to start a fire based upon the use of some deliberately"cherry-picked" driftwood, of just the right texture & flavour, (and before one knows it), the 'Conspiracy theories" become conspiracy fact, & this wonderful new' style of new "Fact–less" adventures, now have a Life of their own, in my view...

Throughout the entire time, 'Lapsed' from announcement of the CV–19 Pandemic event, right up till now... Conspiracy theories w/ a plethora of cause & effect scenarios, have continued to evolve & emerge....

Naturally, when one is faced with a "wicked problem" of this magnitude, one needs to truly endeavour to obtain from the most reliable & known designated sources, the very best information upon which to weigh one's decision-making processes, in my view...

Each of us of course, must also apply (to the best of their own perspective), how they & their families might best survive the potential ordeal of an ill-timed fatal demise, (or other adverse alternatives - I.e. Long Covid ).

Briefly, (he says w/ a wry smile), & in my own instance, prior to my Dx I was studying full-time at University for an ARTS BA; after my Dx changed all my foreseeable future plans (2016), I then became my immobile Octogenarian mother's 'full-time' carer. Being a uni' student, however, afforded me unlimited access to all sorts of medical journals, peer-reviewed academic & scientific articles, that originally aided me to better grasp everything & anything MPN based...

Hence, I used those same tried & tested methods to better understand our CV-19 pandemic, & all that that entailed of course...

Naturally, that does NOT mean that I am smarter than everybody else, nor am I so gullible. However, it taught me enough to always & question, & always seek out answers, even when, (as often they prove to be>>>), they are just small pieces of a much larger puzzle that raises ever more questions needing answers etc... In that seemingly endless endeavour of becoming self-informed, one MUST also learn to deal w/ one's own 'obstructional' demons. In other words, learn to overcome our own often deeply imprinted bias. Kid yourself not, we all hold certain bias views... & they must be acknowledged if one is to remain 'Objective', in my view...

For backgrounding on My CV–19 Vaccination:

* 1st, as I could not satisfy myself w/ answers relating to the prime motivation to satisfy that of the "Precautionary Principle" stated plainly, & not verbatim: "...when answers remain unknown, "Do No Harm". If one cannot say that No Harm will be done, then abort any such action that might achieve a harmful outcome..."

* In order to keep my immobile mother safe from CV-19, naturally, I had to endeavour to put into place the dynamic sets of changes required to do so. Which in a nutshell, simply meant I had to be vaccinated myself to keep her safe... Fortunately, thus far, this strategy has worked for us.

* Unfortunately, my ongoing studies also uncovered a particular strategy that I would have to adopt if I was to attain a "Seropositive" result to the vaccine & boosters".

My studies showed me that both the oral chemotherapy drugs I was taking, (Methotrexate - MTX - would have to cease completely), & also my immunosuppressants – Ruxoliotinib dosage, would be required to be reduced by approx' 50%, otherwise the potential existed that NO anti-bodies would be produced from the vaccine or the subsequent boosters etc.

Hence, after my 2nd Pfizer, I slowly commenced my treatment drug required modifications: ceased MTX altogether, and then began to titrate my Rux' over the ensuing next two (2) weeks before eventually having my 3rd Pfizer booster. (Decreasing Rux' causes Ruxolitinib Withdrawal Syndrome - RWS), which was all a tad uncomfortable but all for the greater good, so I had surmised... Once I had reduced the Rux' from 25mg b/d to 15mg b/d, & settled, I then had a Titre Blood test to determine whether or not I was the beneficiary of being "Seropositive' Eureka! Well I did not know what quantity, only that they were indeed present.

* Adverse Side -Effects to Pfizer:

In my own instance, & that of my mother's the most we both suffered from was a sore 'Pfizer' upper arm. In my case, & after my 2nd Pfizer, (all Pfizer's), I did have a bit of as headache for a few hours... But that was it! 3rd Booster, nothing at all...

However, I did note one interesting fact, my Haemoglobin went much higher that it used to be during that whole 'vaccination / booster' affair etc.

Recently, my dear old mum, (waiting for some elective Hip surgery), was warned that even the Flu would delay her surgery further. Hence, she now has had her 4th booster & a Flu jab, w/ no ill affects reported to date.

For me, the Pfizer was the lesser of the two (2) vaccination evils. I could not & would not allow myself to become subject to the Astrazeneca (AZ) vaccine, ( for a number of reasons). However, I have extremely high Platelets most of the time, & have suffered at least three (3) TIAs. Just not worth the risk when one also suffers from "acquired Von Willebrands Syndrome", in my view... Too many reports that were never well explained, (in my view), as to why so many people had very bad experiences w/ AZ.

There are also a great host of scientific articles that continue to emerge as to why some people have adverse reactions, where others do not...

Some noted are because of obesity, some because of other underlying respiratory issues, some because of Diabetes Types 2 & 1, (apparently). However, all of those reports, and many more just like them, in my view simply explain that there is still so much more that we do NOT know, about a great many things both where COVID-19 is concerned, and also the variety of seemingly never-ending new & ever drugs are emerging on an almost daily basis, if one follows the scientific literature that is...

Such a long Post guys, I am truly sorry... Obviously, I felt a tad pent up over this subject matter...

In any event, please stay happy, safe & well... & never be afraid to ask questions, that is after all a useful method for obtaining answers, in my view... :-)

Best wishes



Has many definitions across many scenarios, however this one is adequate for the purpose of this discussion, in my view...

“When an activity raises threats of harm to human health or the environment, precautionary measures should be taken even if some cause and effect relationships are not fully established scientifically”

Hence, it might be argued, that the PP, was in fact the very reason why these untried vaccine technologies were rushed into practice. However, one might also successfully retort that risking one unknown against another formidable unknown, should not be given licence as the result might prove just as devastating...


Evelyn Alvarez, Yazmin Amado Vu, William M. London. 2020. "Precautionary Principle (PP), One Definition" LAST REVIEWED: 03 MARCH 2020, LAST MODIFIED: 24 FEBRUARY 2021

DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780199756797-0046

JackLina profile image
JackLina in reply tosocrates_8

Sorry to say but much of what you have written has no bearing on what I posted, which was merely an inquiry as to whether anyone else had suffered similarly. I was not voicing any other concerns.

socrates_8 profile image

Hey evening again... :-)

I'm sorry that you feel that I have not addressed your concerns... In my view, I feel I have, although possibly not as directly as you may have preferred...

In any event, I do hope that your condition improves for you sooner rather than later, as what you describe sounds terribly uncomfortable for you...

Best wishes for a speedy recovery...


Marie95 profile image
Marie95 in reply tosocrates_8

Thank you Steve for your post I found it most interesting and helpful stay well

EPguy profile image

There actually have been quite a few posts here, esp recently, on vax effects. It does indicate something is up.

Among those I know of personally who got vaxed (50-100) I've not heard of any severe or lasting troubles. This is consistent with the clinical studies at least for the mRNA vaxes where such reactions were rare.

Among the forum members my impression is a large portion outside the US got AZ as the 1st series. AZ was never approved in the US and there have been concerns with the adenovirus vaxes in general (AZ, J&J). J&J is no longer recommended as primary in the US and AZ is still not available.

There are members who received *only* mRNA who have trouble, but I wonder if a history of AZ at least for the 1st or 2nd shots is more common among those with lasting bad reactions to AZ or mRNA boosters.

JackLina profile image
JackLina in reply toEPguy

Thank you . I haven't really looked into it further and I'm surprised at myself because my background is in research. I've always considered it better to have the vaccine because I was and still am rather worried about catching covid. Perhaps I should have considered another route but this is the one I took.

All the best and thanks for getting in touch. Penelope

EPguy profile image
EPguy in reply toJackLina

You're right about catching it, we'll all get "Acquired Immunity" via vax or infection eventually. I got it both ways. I suggest via vax, I and husband both have long covid for 2-1/2 years, he near died from Covid.

If the Novavax were available I would want that one. Meantime I plan to get the bivalent one supposed to be out this Fall.

I just posted a thread on long term T-cell immunity via infection or vax, it's interesting info.

JackLina profile image
JackLina in reply toEPguy

I must read that. I was recently reading up on T-cells and their responsive nature. To be honest though, I've moved away from getting involved in all this because it was taking over my existence and I prefer to be first, a human being then, with a condition. My choice because it makes me feel better psychologically if i just get on with life as best I can, treating this as the 'bug-bear' it is. All the best. Sorry for the slight rant. All the best

EPguy profile image
EPguy in reply toJackLina

I agree Covid is getting really old, but it's not going away anytime soon unfortunately. My Dx and Covid came the same year, 2019 was a lot more fun for me.

For a little upper, here is what we hope is in our future. Well designed study, but only on mice so far:


This is the post re t-cells. Lots of links for a research kind of person.

Also in the reply to MaggieSylvie near here, a study had signif more high grade adverse events if AZ (ChAD) vax was the primary series, while an all mRNA history had fewer (but not zero). If one decides to get an mRNA booster, the Pfizer is a smaller dose (30) vs 50 for Mod so if risk relates to dose size the Pf is more conservative.

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply toEPguy

You can choose what vaccine you want?

EPguy profile image
EPguy in reply toMaggieSylvie

In the US until last fall we had to get the same one as prior for 2nd shot and boosters. I know bec I tried to switch. But since then we are allowed to select either Pfizer or Moderna. (J&J is no longer generally offered and AZ was never approved.) I haven't tested this policy yet as I've not yet had booster #4. See my recent post here for some interesting thoughts on 4th dose and AZ.

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply toEPguy

Well, my first four were all Pfizer and it was fine. But I had Moderna chosen for me at the pharmacy for the fifth. A different kettle of fish!

EPguy profile image
EPguy in reply toMaggieSylvie

One limit on choice is what the particular pharmacy has on offer. Some have only one or the other and it's not always easy to know, we need to call them.

You can see my nearby reply, Moderna is a larger dose, I wanted that last fall, but it can pack a bigger punch.

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply toEPguy

Oh, I didn't know it was a larger dose! That's probably something to do with my reaction. The pharmacist just said that there was evidence to show that changing from the original brand in the boosters was more effective than staying with the original brand (in my case Pfizer). I have reported the effects. So, in my case, not just a change of brand but a change in the size of dose. Think they might have said!

EPguy profile image
EPguy in reply toMaggieSylvie

You're right they don't make it clear at all on the dose size. I've posted often on it, but the authorities in various countries should say. It's double confusing because the Moderna is called a "half dose". True, it's half of its original giant 100 mcg dose, but 50 is still more than Pfizer's 30.

Anag profile image

Please look up my post: MY COVID, HOSPITAL, LOW SODIUM, Vaccines

My neighbor had your reaction but much worse. 42, athletic, 3 young kids. She was in hospital for a month! She felt like the veins in her whole body and head would just burst. During her stay, they monitored her brain regularly. She finally took the vaccine because it was mandated. Pfizer.

I took Pfizer and have leaky and now discoloured veins on my lower legs/ankles and had terrible and increasing memory problems for 9 month. A bioresonance doctor was finally able to diagnose and treat me. After 3 months of therapy, my brain is better but my legs will always need strong compression stockings from morning to night, summer and winter.

My brother got Bell’s palsy.

My husband best friend cardiologist at the university clinic, brain bleeding, immediate operation while he was at work! 6+ weeks of recovery.

My other neighbor, 50, woman, stroke. She can now walk again after 6 months of therapy. If she hadn’t done the vaccine, she would have lost her job.

My best friend in USA now has heart problems after 4th. All these cases are Pfizer.

This is not rare. I do know about 300 people who were vaccinated.

if there are strong side effects the first time, never take the second vaccine.

All the best to you.


JackLina profile image
JackLina in reply toAnag

Thank you. And for your input. I hope you fare better. P

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply toAnag

I was so pleased with Pfizer. I had four, with nothing more than a sore arm. Then - I was given Moderna and told that there was evidence that providing a different vaccine would give greater protection. I wasn't asked what medication I was on, and I suspect there was a clash between Moderna and Pregabalin, as Moderna seemed to magnify the effects of the drug.

Mamamasuma profile image

Oh your condition is just like me mine is worst than u now i become most of the time bed ridden started with flue vaccine i have doubt it was flue vaccine than with covid 19 condition worsen because of that i didnt took 3rd and 4th vaccine Today i am comolile disabke neurologicaly and in both chest ssufdering imense pain burning pain in ribcages and heart drs are not trying to evaluate the underlying conition and i am living life of dead person i got news that drs are thretern by goverment not to talk about side effect of vaccine if they will do their licence will be confiscated i dont know how far it is true as i had throat and chest problem since i took covid and currantly since hanuary it has verson 12 month passed to fake main 2 vaccine is i made mistake by not taking vaccination? I mean booster dise is that created my health hezard as covid test at home give all negetive result even did 5 ocr tesr all negetive where as all people in my home got covid than why my tests came negetive with similar symotoms not fever got fever only 2 times due to foid poisoning

Eating out in cafe .

I am puzzeled and crying as i am on the helth hezard for no fault of myself as drs were and are not intrested in finding out true cause of my conditions .

If any one has answer or knoledge please share with me


JackLina profile image
JackLina in reply toMamamasuma

Thank you for your response. Be kind to yourself. All good wishes. P

Hombre profile image

Hello, I had COVID in January 2021, in hospital for four days. Then had the Pfizer first vaccination, which have me a high temperature, and three months later, the second Pfizer jab, which also gave me a high temperature and then palpitations, really bad and prolonged. Six months later I had the Moderna booster which made me sick and I was in bed for about two weeks. But the palpitations stopped! I know of others who also had bad reactions to the vaccinations. In September2021 I did a quantitative antibody test, which showed that I had the highest level of antibodies, but was diagnosed with ET in December 2021. I have not yet had the spring fourth booster. Good luck!

JackLina profile image
JackLina in reply toHombre

It's true, in the case of these vaccines we really are guinea pigs but I feel lucky to have the opportunity to choose. Knowing those hideous effects, I still go ahead and have the dose because I feel too vulnerable of getting the dreaded c-19.

JackLina profile image
JackLina in reply toHombre

It's impossible to know what to do isn't it? I was told this time that I was down to receive Moderna but I said I had had Pfizer for the last two and I had read somewhere, perhaps on the blood cancer site or similar, that Pfizer was better for ET JAK2+ patients. So was given Pfizer again. Strangely, I get very little discomfort from the flu jab. Only last time I felt quite under the weather but nothing approaching this c-19 business. All the best

JojoWonder profile image

Hello, I’m sorry to hear of your issues with the vaccines. I wrote about my own issues going back 7 months ago. I think I called my post extreme reaction to vaccines. I find myself in a dilemma now as a couple of months back I got asked to have my 5th but I’m reluctant to have it at this point because I don’t have 3 days I’m able to spend in bed afterwards! Not only do I dread the inevitable chills, fever and all the other horrible side effects I’ve encountered but with a 3 year old and a seasonal job (Make-up Artist with lots of bridal clients) I simply don’t have the time. I’ve spoken to my Haematologist and whilst he thinks if offered I should take the vaccine he understands my position and doesn’t think I’m at high risk. I think I might brave it in the autumn. In my case it’s believed the reaction is connected to my interferon increasing my immune system. I’m usually completely better after about a week so hopefully you’re feeling more like yourself now. Take good care of yourself ☺️

JackLina profile image
JackLina in reply toJojoWonder

Thank you. We really do need to balance our priorities. Thank goodness you're in a position to be earning and caring well for your young family. P

Amethist profile image

Yes, I have 4 good friends who have experienced post jab symptoms like you. Plus another friends husband and my nephew ( both in their 30’s) have suffered heart problems straight after. Hope you find a good solution to help your body heal from this.

JackLina profile image
JackLina in reply toAmethist

Hi Amethyst. Not sure there's a cure. I'm just reacting extremely as I tend to do with medication. It's normal for me. Thank you for your good wishes.

Amethist profile image
Amethist in reply toJackLina

Have you had a look at the FLCCC I-Recover protocol - post vaccine treatment?Another avenue maybe to claim compensation for vaccine injury?

Best wishes.

JackLina profile image
JackLina in reply toAmethist

Aaah. No, I haven't heard of that. I'll take a look though. Thank you

Threelions profile image

HiNot quite as bad as you but felt horrendous for 48 hours after each one I’ve had.

That said I always told myself that my antibodies must have put up a good fight as I felt so bad & therfore I must have built up good defences. A small price to pay in my opinion.

JackLina profile image
JackLina in reply toThreelions

I would agree but slightly miffed that my antibodies appear to be so amazingly brilliant that they fight like crazy and put me in agony for a week. Little demons! Still affected though getting better now. Probably be around 6 days to a week before I'm fully recovered but as you say, lesser of two evils, I think.

Threelions profile image
Threelions in reply toJackLina

Here’s to having the best antibodies 👍….even though they give us grief😀

I sincerely wish you all the best.


JackLina profile image
JackLina in reply toThreelions

Thank you and to you.

Wyebird profile image

Haha yes but different each time1st the jab hurt but no side affects that I was aware of. ( was recovering from minor op anyway.)

2nd- didn’t hurt at all but had fever sweats headache for at least 3 days

3rd arm ached bitterly for about 4 days

4th nothing

5th jab didn’t hurt at all but like the 2nd. Which then turned into fatigue and low mood really struggled to come out of it.

JackLina profile image
JackLina in reply toWyebird

Still miffed. Every one of mine was as bad or worse for 4+days but I'm just greedy I suppose.

Wyebird profile image
Wyebird in reply toJackLina


MaggieSylvie profile image

Not quite as bad as you mention, but certainly wasn't expecting to spend the whole of the next day asleep, having had great difficulty getting up out of bed, and then walking like a drunk - very weak. Headache (a bit migrainy) as well. Oh, and why don't they ask what side you sleep on before choosing the arm to inject. Booster number 3/5 - Moderna, after Pfizer.

JackLina profile image
JackLina in reply toMaggieSylvie

I'm always asked which arm to put any injection into. Maybe I look scary!

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply toJackLina

I'm always asked whether I'm right or left-handed. What matters more is which arm are you going to sleep on after an injection.

Rastavapa profile image

My brother had a reaction and he was in kings for three months ,a liver transplant and lots of other problems later including diabetes and he is just starting to get some normality back .in process of claiming compensation for government . Was fit and healthy had own business now a shell of the man he was ...

JackLina profile image

Please give him my best wishes. I hope his recovery continues. Positive thought is the key...P

azaelea profile image

Sorry to hear of your nasty reaction. I’ve read all the replies on here with interest and it’s truly scary hearing what you and so many people have suffered with the vaccines. Some are really dreadful and worrying. I’ve had 5 vaccine doses now, all Pfizer, just sore arm. I read on here before my 5th that a lot of you had very bad reactions with Moderna and I was offered this, but refused it and managed to track down who had Pfizer in my locality ( not an easy task)! After seeing the bad reactions to Pfizer I’m having reservations about the next lot if it’s offered, whenever! Hope you’ll be back to your fit self very soon. Regards Fran

JackLina profile image
JackLina in reply toazaelea

Thank you Fran. I was lucky to be offered the Pfizer one after being told I was down for Moderna. It's the first experience I've had of a vaccination centre carrying more than one type. All the best

Meatloaf9 profile image

So sorry to hear of your ordeal with the vaccine. I have had 4 Pfizer doses and so far only a sore arm for about 24 hrs each time. My wife has had the same 4 doses and she was in bed for 2 days with the first 3 and very little side effects with the 4th. It seems we are all different in our reactions to these vaccines just as we are in our mpn's. We have both been exposed to the virus at least twice that we know of and so far have not tested positive so maybe the vaccine worked thus far for us. Hoping you feel better soon and stay virus free. Having had close friends die of the virus (2) and others get extremely sick and one with long covid, I guess I'll take my chances with the vaccine. Best to you.

Andrew8 profile image

I've had 5 vacs. Only 2 slight reactions, which lasted no more than a day.

JackLina profile image
JackLina in reply toAndrew8

Lucky man. Stay well

ritaandscooter1 profile image

YES I had a horrible experience with the booster. I think I wrote about my experience with the booster shot awhile back. The first two shots I was not taking any drugs except aspirin. I didn't have much side affects except a mild headache that lasted 5 days. I then went on Pegasys INF and proceeded to get the booster upon my doctors recommendation. Within a few hours, my whole body got really warm......felt like I was burning up. Next, for some reason my knees became extremely painful, to the point I couldn't walk and had ice strapped to both my knees. I have left knee problems (Osteoarthritis) but am extremely healthy and exercise daily. It's like the shot attacked the weakest area in my knee joints. I was in bed about 2 days as I was in so much pain. I contribute this reaction to the Pegasys drug I was taking during this time. Think the Pegasys was interacting negatively with the Pfizer shot. Not sure if you are on any drug. After this experience I swore off any more boosters. I have not yet contacted Covid and appear to have a strong immune system as I never get my husbands colds. Most likely, the Pfizer shots are the reason for this resilience against virus's. Your experience was very similar to mine. By the way, I have PV and am JAK2 positive....61 years old. Kerry

JackLina profile image
JackLina in reply toritaandscooter1

Thank you for this. I have been waiting for someone to relate my experience with the vaccine, to the fact that I also use Pegasys. That is exactly what I have suspected. I've been on Pegasys since 2018 and Clopidogrel. ET, JAK2+ and dosing every fortnight. I'm sure it's that you know? I even did my Pegasys jab on the Friday evening and had my Pfizer, Covid jab on Saturday morning. Fool or what? Thank again. Keep smiling.

Adlon57 profile image

OH Yes I have had BAD side effects of AZ vaccine, BUT it because I have Schwannomatosis or NF3, a very rare neurological condition, the AZ vaccine reacted badly bringing out schwannomas on my left arm! I also had headaches, heart flutters, had a heart scan but it was ok👍 My 1st jab was 9/2/2021, 2nd 23/4/2021, I was admitted to hospital in June 2021, I had a lot of other symptoms not included as I have other serious medical conditions. Due to the Covid vaccine in reality not being fully tested, and the rarity of my conditions {a medical "one off"] Unfortunately the damage to my left arm is permanent, I have to type right hand only, left arm usage circa. 40% [not too clever with right either!] My subsequent booster in Nov. 2021 pfizer was more successful. My side effects have now been officially ratified!

Jynx93 profile image

I had very similar symptoms with my first 2 AZ jabs, thought I was on the way out. My last 3 were Pfizer and I only had a sore injection site but no other symptoms

Mamamasuma profile image

Today gping to be 1 years for my 2 vaccination i avoidws all booster dose sonce i took this i never recoverd i can feel virus is moving in my body like a shooting fire here and there Under my armpit got ulcer it has heal on top but didnt heal from inside constant burning going on dr sas he dont know why it is happening he dont recomend specialist also

All other symptoms are what u mension here and shoulder where i took vaccine is extreamly painful full hand is affected i make an big mistake by taking vaccines now i am in confusion should i take booster which has date passed in december now it will be 8 month

I have constant cough just like whooping cough constant fever lost test lost sensation to certain area running nose they took pcr sample but now 4 days passed no result has veen given at home test came negetive .

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