It was on the 6.30 news that those people who have had the first vaccination for Coronavirus and are expecting their second shots in 3 weeks will now have to wait 3 months because the virus is running out of control so a health expert said that people will be happy with this decision as, according to him, it’s best to have a few antibodies than none at all. How can the government defy licensing regulations when licences were issued for the Phisser Vaccine for a two course vaccine treatment. The WHO website says that having only one part of the vaccine will not provide you with enough antibodies to fight the virus. My husband went straight on to the Phisser website and it said that without the second dose in 21 days you would only have a 5O% chance of coping with the virus. While reading about it the site went down and every time you try to get on it it’s saying site unavailable so it looks like they have been locked down. I went into today with a bit of a light at the end of the tunnel and now that tunnel has collapsed. I really feel I don’t want to go on anymore.
Hopes dashed on first day of New Year: It was on... - MPN Voice
Hopes dashed on first day of New Year

Yes, frustrating isn't it? A bit like Charlie Brown having the football whipped away by Lucy just as he is about to kick it.
I guess that since the evil virus presents a moving target, it's not surprising that the weapons aimed at it have to be adjusted accordingly.
In my view, it'll be a month or six weeks before we see how the vaccines are affecting the situation, and that won't be reflected in the infection rate but in the hospitalisation and death rates in the first instance.
So we've just got to carry on keeping ourselves as safe as we can in the mean time.
Hi, I hadnt heard anything but was speaking to neighbour who works in hospital kitchen and she is definitely getting her second jab as planned. Not sure if its different in other areas. I can see why they might go for quantity rather than quality but surely it would be better to protect properly.
I'm not sure how covid works but if more people get it and recover, does that not give the population herd immunity?
Take care, thinking of you. Try not to despair. I know you've hurt your knee but you could plan which paintings you are going to do next. You are so talented. Xx 😻😻
The Phisser company have stated on their site which has mysteriously vanished, that the second jab is vital within 21 days. This news only came out tonight so your friend may think she is getting her second jab but not according to tonight’s news. Let’s see what the government comes up with tomorrow.
Ok, I’ve read that GPS are rebelling and say they will give second doses anyway. It would be better if they would stick to plans as changes just cause more angst and uncertainty. Take care, hope ur knee allows you to paint again soon.xx😻😻
The Oxford/AstraZeneca people state that the first dose of their vaccine gives 70% protection and the second dose prolongs and boosts the protection, so not all bad.
I was told the Oxford vaccine is a live virus which, if true, makes it not suitable for people with MPNs?
I believe the Oxford vaccine is inactive and therefore safe. There is an earlier thread today that suggests it's live also.
There's so much information flying around that distilling the valid bits from it is getting difficult.
Try not to fret, your GP will advise you in due course I'm sure.
Your right but I just feel that light at the end of the tunnel has been dimmed by a cave in. I want hope this year. I was so upset yesterday as I really wanted to kick 2029 out of the door but also I wanted to hold on to it because for 3 months of2020 I had my mum. A strange thing to think but I couldn’t help it.
Hi Jilly and everyone, as this question was raised on another post about the Oxford vaccine I checked with Prof Harrison and she has confirmed the Oxford vaccine is not live. Maz
It actually came out 2 days ago jill, I was discussing it on here with someone yesterday, The Government as changed the goal posts saying they want as many people as possible to have the first shot. My thinking its to by them time to try to secure extra doses in the meantime as we''ve been given promises and 'numbers' before which seemed to be made up as they've gone along. Dosen't make sense to me, you would think the closer they're given together the better. Surely the further apart they were given, then surely the build up of anti-bodies would start declining? Tina.🤗
I think the problem is global supply. Every country wants vaccines. It will probably take many months to vaccinate even that percentage of the population that is 60 plus as well as those classified as vulnerable. I assume they are offering one injection to at least give the most vulnerable group a chance with the new variant by recognizing current limits to supply. I live in Germany and we are being advised that it could be 2022 by the time the majority is vaccinated. The German government is rapidly constructing a new factory to boost the production of the German Pfizer biontech vaccine. It’s a shame that nations could not have planned to act collectively to produce this stuff faster for all humanity
I first started reading about'delaying' the second dose when Tony Blair (who seems to have re-invented himself as some sort of vaccine guru) suggested this should be the approach in order to maximise the number of people receiving the vaccine.
My first thought was of course, typical politician, but i did find a lot of weight behind the theory online.
What it said was the 52% was a bit of a misleading figure as that was the figure 'prior' to the 2nd dose at 3 weeks, and actually measured after 3 weeks without the second jab the protection level would be more like 90%.
I was surprised when the announcement was made, especially considering the call initially had been made by someone from an opposing political background, but some things that seem to have come out of it is that there is a lot of 'experts' who have been calling for this approach, and even one of the board members of Pfizer has gone on record as being in favour of it.
Of course with anything, especially this virus, there are lots of experts who have had their say so you will always get differing opinions, however what I read was Pfizer did say that the timing of the second dose was down to the medical body giving the vaccines and not them.
If Boris et all had made this decision off their own backs id be more worried, but the JCVI are an independant body, and they are the ones who have recommended this approach, and its been approved by all 4 of the UK nations chief medical officers.
I think if there was any political persuasion going on then Scotland, Wales Chief medical officer would have rejected it as its been pretty common for political differences in the devolved nations.
I am more heartened by the information that following the first jab (once immunity kicks in) then the chances of hosptilisation are almost nil.
Thank you Paul, you've summarised beautifully what I'd read since that first article on Blair's call for the single dose. I'd also read the encouraging information that the increased time between the two doses increased the immune response beneficially.
I am very hopeful and feel very fortunate that there are two approved vaccines on the UK. As my husband just said, it's worth remembering that by initially administering a single dose critically vulnerable people like those of us with MPNs and our son with cystic fibrosis will receive it faster than if everyone ahead of us got their two doses PLUS the more people vaccinated in the population the the greater protection CEV people have as the chain of transmission for the virus is broken down quicker.
I think the scientific community who have worked night and day on these vaccines have achieved phenomenal results in an unprecedented time scale with their motivation being to save lives.
We all have to guard ourselves against the media's want to inflame differences of opinion and play to people's anxieties. My focus now is trying to stay safe now until my loved ones & I who are CEV can receive the vaccine (neither my 90 yo father in law or my 83 to mother have received it yet) and to try to support their mental health which has been badly affected by isolation & news-fed anxiety. I'm watching the rates in our local area very closely as my concern right now is transmission in school as our youngest child being in school poses our greatest risk ATM.
Stay well all. We're by no means out of the woods yet, but there is hope and thankfully, support here on the forum 🙏🏻🌈💯
Hi paul. At the press conference on Tuesday evening, Englands Deputy chief medical officer ( Jonathan Van- Tam) stated "it was hoped that after administration of the second dose it would prevent you having the serious effects of Covid." but when asked if those after receiving the second part of the jab could then mix with relatives, the answer was an emphatic no, as they didn't know even when having the second part of the jab if you could still be a carrier of it and therefore still transfer it to another person and "it would be many months before they knew the answer!" He also went on to say people couldn't act with "Wild abandonment and just go off down to the bingo hall." By those very words their is not going to be any semblence of normality by even Easter as suggested by Boris Johnson but we can hope.
Certainly the fact information is still needed on transmitting post vaccination is important.
I know JVT said previously he believes there will be an impact on transmission but its yet to be proven.
I think Easter for life being normal is incredibly optimistic though.
Let's hope we have some sort of normality though akin to summer time
It's a typical Boris government attitude of blundering through, a very contagious attitude, as here in Wales we are not getting anymore of the phizer vaccines, but waiting for the cheaper Oxford vaccine which we will only be getting a half dose of. I worked out it may be six years before I get vaccinated. My wife who has MF, has been told to accept the vaccine by her consultant, who had every opportunity to give it to her on December 15th but didn't. Now she may only get the Oxford vaccine, which I hear is a live vaccine, she may be refused as she has had a Splenectomy.
From what I have heard/read neither of the approved vaccines is live so should be safe for us
Thank you for posting, I’ve enjoyed reading all the responses.
I with you all the way,Jill! I had my first shot on Wednesday with appointment for 2nd on 20th Jan. Now furious they’re messing us about especially when I read the Pfizer advice.ive written to our MP Jacob Young.
Crikey its hard to know these days what to belive,the main thing is to keep moving forward having said this lm staying under the covers all day tomorrow.