Government be damned: Yesterday I had a letter... - MPN Voice

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Government be damned

jillydabrat profile image
23 Replies

Yesterday I had a letter from the government saying that now all the adult population in the UK have been offered their vaccinations, that there is no further need for me to shield. This letter came an hour before the govt announcement yesterday where they said they are preparing for 100,000 people a day catching Covid.

Just because all adults have been offered the vaccine it doesn’t mean everyone has had it.

I was so angry that the government proved that people who have no antibodies, who are immunosuppressed and the elderly are dispensable. They should be saying that masks should be worn to protect the vulnerable, not sending out letters telling you it’s okay to expose yourself to this killer virus. I am to angry to say anymore.

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jillydabrat profile image
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23 Replies
JediReject profile image

With you all the way. Same letter , same feelings, same anger. Heard jack sxxt about any vaccine , 3rd dose or booster. But Portugal, Italy et al are rolling them out at a pace for their younger folk and their infections are manageable. Had our local Emergency Unit guy on radio today saying he fears the worst with Covid and the Flu on the rise in the North West.

Aargh !


Paul_1971 profile image
Paul_1971 in reply to JediReject

Hi Chris

I decided not to pursue getting my 3rd primary Jab as it fell on deaf ears at my GP's. I do get my booster (i am taking the MPN letter to make sure i get a full dose) next week.

If you are at 6 months since your 2nd Jab I would be banging on the door of your GP's to wake them up.

Its frustrating.

JediReject profile image
JediReject in reply to Paul_1971

Yeah frustrating indeed Paul, I'm afraid our GP service aren't proactive though to give them some credit we got our flu jabs. Still difficult at best for face to face appts and when I did get one recently he refused to sit and discuss my issues after hesitantly examining me.

G P " I can't answer questions now , there's coronavirus about you will need to make a separate telephone appt"

ME "I don't have the virus I don't have symptoms and did a test earlier ahead of this seeing you which is negative"

GP" are you having the tablets or not I need a decision I can't debate it with coronavirus about"

ME " not now because you haven't given me enough information "

G P " Ring when you want them , goodbye"

As he guided me out of the side door into the car park.

So not holding my breath on a further jab notification from them.

Upshot of last appt is trying to change to another surgery.

Good luck with your jab.


mhos61 profile image
mhos61 in reply to JediReject

Appalling story Chris, especially with your medical history. I really hope you find better care elsewhere.

My hubby recently made the transition to another GPs; however, although it’s only six miles away it’s in another county, so there may be issues if he ever needed district nurse care in the future, but they said that can be worked around.

Anyway, its been the best decision he’s made. The practice is very well run. I feel so much relief knowing he’s being well cared for.

My advise is if you’re actually in the process now. of looking for a new GPs look at their CQC reports. Reviews are helpful too, but always worth applying caution.

Paul_1971 profile image
Paul_1971 in reply to JediReject

Hopefully i get to have it this week. My wife did a positive LFT test yesterday, i am negative right now but if it turns positive then ill have to knock my 3rd jab on the head for 28 days.

Hoping my level of protection is good right now.

JediReject profile image
JediReject in reply to Paul_1971

Oh dear sorry to hear that i hope your wife isn't too poorly also that you remain negative and are able to go ahead. Good luck however it pans out. Chris

jillydabrat profile image
jillydabrat in reply to JediReject

The numbers actually scare me to death Chris x

JediReject profile image
JediReject in reply to jillydabrat

Me too, , it's headlining our Gazette today , I'm still being careful to a degree and will be doubling my efforts to Stay safe. I seriously don't get why the Govt won't reinstate safety measures given there's a nasty cold bug about and talk of a influenza outbreak which could along with Covid again overwhelm the NHS. Head in hands again as the elderly and vulnerable are being sidelined.

jillydabrat profile image
jillydabrat in reply to JediReject

I think they have lost control and have decided to let the virus do what it has to and let’s see whose left

Dazakella2010 profile image

Yes…. I had the same letter about 2 weeks ago!!!

JV4E profile image

Totally agree with you ! Still haven't been offered a third dose that all immunosuppressed people were supposed to have had by now and according to Mr Javid the "vast majority have had it " . Sorry, we all know that is B*lls**t don't we ?Work are saying that now she shielding programme has ended, all CEV can return to work.... as if it is suddenly "safe" for us because of a disgraceful decision by the Government to throw us under the bus. And how are 100,000 cases a day and 100's of deaths a day acceptable to any reasonable human ? With waning immunity and a potential new variant ( delta plus) which is even more easily transmitted it's more dangerous than ever for those at high risk. The way the Government is mishandling this is nothing short of a national disgrace.

Conneryfan profile image
Conneryfan in reply to JV4E

I feel your frustration. I went to a walk in centre with the MPN letter that said we need a 3rd dose , and proof of diagnosis. I received 3rd dose within 10 mins. Worth a try. Good luck.

Dovme profile image

I have two friends in London no underlying conditions both 61 and they had third dose. Surprised me! Really think people have to be assertive. It’s slow here in Germany. I got a letter from my hematologist and l get mine hopefully in two weeks with flu jab. But l had to chase

We still have restrictions,masks in shops transport. Only go to most indoor places if your 2G. Never was any shielding here .

Aldebaran25 profile image

Really do not understand the need from the Gov to underestimate (as usual) the covid situation. Wearing masks, distancing, aeration, covid passes, etc are used in many countries and work, plus the vaccination campaign seems to have slowed down in UK (in Italy over 80% of population is fully vaccinated and they are hoping for 90%). I spent some time in Italy this summer and felt very safe. Everyone wears a mask in public closed spaces and you have to exhibit a covid pass to enter a restaurant, so I went out to eat without worrying. Back here in the UK, we were going to celebrate a big birthday coming up by going away for a long weekend , somewhere drive-able, were thinking about going to York or the Lake District but I couldn't face the idea of eating out with such a high covid rate and no green pass etc . So we opted for France. There you go, money lost for the UK economy.

AlyW profile image

I also received that letter 2 weeks ago but I’m still awaiting the letter that tells me I should have a 3rd dose! The hospital told me yesterday that it “may” arrive next week. I’m not confident!AJ

jillydabrat profile image
jillydabrat in reply to AlyW

They won’t give it to you until 180 days after your second vaccination

azaelea profile image

I agree with you entirely Jill! I’m so furious with the way the Government are playing with our lives! I received that letter about 2 weeks ago and I read in Blood Cancer UK that they are very annoyed about the contents of that letter, now the latest decision not to bring in Plan B!! The consequences are frightening. I feel that same fear you say you have. Regards Fran.x

Eadaoin profile image
Eadaoin in reply to azaelea

I used to laughingly call our letters from Matt Hancock to CEV shielders “yet another letter from Uncle Matt”.

He was telling us, in good time, of some changes coming in the rules. Often it was clear advice - with a hint of care and concern. Amazing how the same department now sounds so much more dictatorial and letters are from the Rt Honourable Sajid Javid MP (in big, bold, black capital letters). Nothing to laugh at there.

Wesleygrange2a profile image

I’ve just received a letter from my haematology department informing me that I am now eligible to arrange for third Covid vaccination. I had tried arranging it previously by emailing my GP copies of the letters from this web site but just got stock reply saying I would be contacted to have booster in due course !!.I had my flu jab yesterday at the GP’s and told the nurse about trying to get my third Covid. She asked the receptionist to book it for me , receptionist tried to put me off by saying I had to wait for them to contact me but I politely insisted. Got to wait until 9th November but at least have a date now.

Letter I received today says a copy has been sent to my GP.

Superwoman profile image

Hi Jilly, know how you feel, got my letter about three weeks ago and was one! really confused as it says that life basically is back to normal, how WRONG are they with yesterday’s figures, really frightening, seems every twenty four hours more and more people have covid, over fifty thousand, not sure if there will be enough people left in the country to get it with these kind of figures, every day it has been over forty thousand really worrying.So two! I am still being very careful, mask wearing when out and about which is not often, hubby doing most things. Even though we both have antibodies, but just waiting on my last test results from ONS as it has been six months since last vaccination so got a feeling they might of waned for me.

Had my third Jab last weekend, after my hubby called around to find why I had not been asked and he had, eventually got my appointment with him, had the Pfizer one this time bit rough for 48 hours but just glad I have had and hopefully a few more antibodies, but getting really fed now.

Take care Jilly.

Jean x

jillydabrat profile image
jillydabrat in reply to Superwoman

Hi Jean, I am thinking now that it’s not a case of “if” I get Covid but when. At these rates it’s going to be impossible to avoid. Your like me, I stay indoors. We get everything delivered but when we need milk or bread my husband has to go and he’s terrified about bringing something back to me.

Borage profile image

I had that letter too. It was the first confirmation that I was in the shielding list, and said shielding is ended, it is all my own responsibility now, and I may want to take precautions. Such a familiar attitude from a male!

friendofpiglet profile image

Meanwhile, we learn that our illustrious PM and his staff used the £2.6 million media facility at Downing Street to watch.... wait for it... 'No Time to Die'.

The irony is just too much!


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