Just wondering what advice people in the extremely vulnerable group should do over Christmas regarding lifting of travel and other restrictions is it safe to travel and stay overnight at relatives houses thank you
Christmas : Just wondering what advice people in... - MPN Voice

hello Hughley, there is information on the Government website about 'making a Christmas bubble with friends and family' between 23 and 27 Dec, which might help you, particularly section 5 - if you are clinically extremely vulnerable.gov.uk/government/publicati...
I think this depends to a great extent on where we would be travelling to, that is, is it a high risk area? Personally I wouldn't travel - my relatives live in an area with quite a high rate and one is a secondary school teacher. If you travelled a short distance in/to a lower risk area, that would be different. I am lucky though, in that I live with my husband and we can have a lovely Christmas together. It would be much harder for people who live alone. I hope you are able to make a decision you are happy with. Jennie
I'll be spending Christmas home alone. Too risky imho.
People need to behave responsibly, let's hope they do.
I think those of us with conditions will. Sadly there seems to have been a second pandemic were the main symptoms are loss of common sense, it's those people who will who are the risk.
People were going to mix anyway regardless of the rules so let's hope some structure to it minimises the risk.
I will be mixing but only one other household who I trust will have been taking every reasonable measure to remain safe.
I have lost respect for people close to me during this pandemic who have continued to mix and break rules throughout, even in the most recent lockdown, I just hope they don't regret it in January having mixed with their own elderly parents in the Christmas break.
I think we as individuals need to make the call on who we mix with, ultimately if I know someone has not been following the rules or showing common sense then I won't be seeing them anytime soon.
I know there are never guarantees but I guess its about us making our own risk assessments.
It's personal choice & mine is to stay at home where I'm safe, for the sake of one Christmas. Hopefully next year will be better.
I'm staying home alone. Not worth taking any risks
The government have given us a personal choice. I guess, for many, it's a trade between mental well being and risk of catching and spreading the virus. Nothing has changed with the virus.
I can’t actually believe the government have made the suggestion they have, especially with a vaccine around the corner. We just need to hang on for a few more weeks. Undoubtedly the infection will spread as a result and more lives will be lost 😔. Too risky for me.
You're quite right! Here in Scotland first they announce the relaxation of the rules and then the First Minister says her default advice is stay in your own home with your present household and only meet other households outside. It's Scotland, it's winter, unfortunately some people will only ' hear' the new rules advice. Too risky for me too.
We are staying safe at home. Why tempt fate and give the virus more fodder?
I'm staying home alone also.
We’re staying home with our little pooch. Love my family, miss them, but all too risky with 2 grand kids at uni, two working front line NHS.. Hopefully have a big get together early summer after vaccine. Happy Christmas to you all
We will be spending Christmas at home alone. My daughters will be spending Christmas at home with their families. Why take a risk, husbands still getting over his stay in hospital. We will face time our families. To be seen but kept safe. Really think again things are being rushed. Spending Christmas alone at home will mean being able to enjoy next year. We can celebrate all together later when things are safe. Why rush. X
So today is Thanksgiving here in the US. Its always been my favorite holiday and I hosted it for many years with an average of 12 people. This year I’m only having my mom and daughter, so 4 altogether and we are doing a Zoom call with the rest of the family. I’m doing a buffet and seating us 6 feet apart in the living room. I will probably leave the sliding glass door open because I read that it helps to have air circulation. I will serve the food. My daughter works from home and rarely sees anybody and my mom has been very careful, as well. We didn’t invite my partner’s daughters because one is a teacher and one is a nurse, and neither are allowed in our apartment. Even with all my precautions, I’m still a little nervous. I just pray we all stay well.
Thank you for all your comments we have decided to stay home alone and look forward to meeting our family in the late spring.
Staying at home this year, bit of a disaster last year, at my sister's, my nephew came he is a strict vegan, and also a friend of my sister's persuaded me for a wee drink. My system is a strict 'meat and two veg', could not stand it, loo was out of bounds😗later found, start of isolation, I had diabetes 2, no, definitely no goodies this year!😤 The light is at the end tunnel, a bit more patience, then😄😄
A Granny is for life and not just for Christmas.