How to travel for long periods with Pegasys? How do you keep it cold?
Pegasys travel?: How to travel for long periods... - MPN Voice
Pegasys travel?

Its worth looking at the "related posts" to the right of your question. Lots of good ideas and advice. Getting through customs and security is something to watch out for.
Thanks! I do plan on getting a letter/script from my dr. but was wondering more about the way to keep it at the right temp of 36F to 46 degrees F.
Letter from GP and frio cooling wallets.
Thank you. How long do the Frio cooling wallets keep it cool? Any particular sizes you reccomend? Does it matter? Do they ever accidentally freeze it? I know the directions say specifically not to freeze Pegasys. You can see I have a bit of anxiety about
The large fits the box which the 4 x 180mcg come in. I don’t think the size matters. Never accidentally freezes. The cooling effect is dependant on outside air temp. But I’ve travelling in over 30 degree C, the wallets have remained cool for over 2 days. Easy to recharge by soaking in water.
« Stable out of the fridge for a maximum of 21 days for one occurence only »
I travel loads with Pegasys. Never had a problem at security. But I keep it in the box as prescribed.
I suggested Pegasys would be alright not in fridge for 21 days to my MPN specialist as I travel so much and couldn’t work out how I was going to get enough around with me. They strongly advised against it. Better to get a cooling pack. Mine has an electronic display which shows the temp inside. And really once you get used to it, it’s not really problematic.
Worth being aware that Frio wallets’ primary purpose is insulin cooling which doesn’t need to be as cold as pegasys.
I use the Medigenix cool meds travel pack. It’s not cheap, but I’ve been using it everywhere for the last two years and it works really well. I can fit in at least three boxes of injections (if you squash them in!).