Relocating to Australia for a while...... - MPN Voice

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Relocating to Australia for a while......

ETphonehome profile image
18 Replies

I am considering moving from the UK to Australia for a few months over the winter to stay with my sister near Canberra. Can anyone recommend suitable travel insurance and/or advise of the logistics of arranging blood tests while living abroad ?

Also, can anyone recommend travel insurance companies that will cover someone with an MPN ?

I take 45mcg Peg IFN once every three weeks, have blood tests every two weeks and visit my consultant every three months.



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ETphonehome profile image
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18 Replies
jane13 profile image

In a similar situation I made arrangements for blood tests via my sister in NZ: her GP was quite happy to arrange. Maybe your sister in Aus can do the same with her GP?

Good luck


lawhill profile image

Hi Keith, I live in Australia, albeit the other side of the continent (western Australia) and we have a home on Norfolk island (south Pacific). When traveling back there, the insurance company that I go through wouldn't cover me for the sickness part of it as I have myelofibrosis. Nevertheless, you need to make a few inquiries in the UK and find out who will cover what for you. Blood tests are easy here, just a visit to the local gp, and you'll get the results quickly. Some insurance companies might cover you, but will increase the insurance cost. Good luck with your research. Jeanette

MPort profile image

Hi Keith,

I got cover from Nationwide while in NZ for 4 months last winter. It is hard to get travel insurance for longer periods. I declared by PV. Insurance covered it but there was a catch.

We were travelling around and i needed blood tests and venesections in two places. The insurance considered each as separate claims and deducted from each. I had a big battle with them and recovered most of the money. This wont apply to you if you are in the one place but be aware.

I always take a letter from my Haem which states my condition, need for blood tests, and medication information. The letter also states it is necessary for me to travel with INF. This is useful for Australian customs who are very thorough.

Think also how you transport the INF. In the cabin or hold. I prefer cabin in case bag gets lost. Think also about keeping it cool if you need to. Well wrapped with sealed cold pack works. Needles are so small they dont always show on scans but your letter should cover it.

Lastly you will need a visit to the GP to get form for the blood test. This is routine and there is a charge. I found a lab site on the high street who took blood for analysis, again a charge unless it is inckuded in GP charge. GP gets results. I gotnthe lab to fax or email them through so I had hard copy.

All this is straighforward as long as you are prepared as above and book everything in plenty of time.

Have a great time.

Mazcd profile image

Hi Keith, sounds lovely. We have a list of insurance companies on our Guide to Travel and Travel Insurance leaflet who have insured people with MPNs Best wishes, Maz

linds profile image

Hello Keith,

We have found Stay Sure to be very good - I have Mylofibrosis and it was hard to find a company to insure me totally, but Stay Sure have done. It is quite expensive but we just add it on to the cost of travel. Have a lovely time and do think of us in the sleet and rain won't you.


ETphonehome profile image

Thanks all for excellent advice.


JediReject profile image

Good Luck Keith and Enjoy, you may want to stay !! . . Chris

ETphonehome profile image

Unfortunately I'm having real difficulty in getting a quote for travel insurance for my trip .

First of all there is the length of cover. I am hoping to stay between 3-6 months but most companies don't provide cover for that length of time.

Also, I have been asked If I have a heart or cardiac condition and when I say "No" they won't accept and ask why I am taking Bisoprolol and Ramipril. Does my MI in 2003 count as a heart condition, I have always thought of it as secondary to my ET and my taking Bisop and Ramipril as precautionary ?

Most of the companies I have tried so far aren't familiar with ET / MPN's and one failed to provide a quote as it wasn't listed on their computer system.

I can tell this is going to be extremely challenging and I suspect if I actually find a policy it's going to be extremely expensive.

JediReject profile image
JediReject in reply to ETphonehome

Hey Keith, how frustrating. Do hope you manage to sort it within reason. . . You may have to resort to 'having a senior moment' about some of the finer detail there even though you're only 35. . . . you do sound like you're dealing with it well , I would be probably be rampaging about. . Cheers to you.

ETphonehome profile image

Cheers JR. Re the " senior moment" comment. Since my ET diagnosis my life has been one long "senior moment". Can't tell you how difficult I find processing text or complex info. Insurance policies are a complete nightmare. I'd be interested to learn if other folks on here find it equally challenging.

I've finally managed to find a policy that doesn't cost the earth but I filled it out online and I'm paranoid I've missed something or provided a misleading answer.

Have to try and ring them tomorrow.

All the hassle is frustrating as I can't buy my ticket till I know there is a policy that will cover me and the nearer I get to the departure date the more expensive the prices are.

Mary-Ellen76 profile image

Hey Keith...

I'm an Australian nurse (who also just happens to have ET and hence in this forum)

But did you know there's a reciprocal arrangement with UK's NHS and Australia's Medicare? Basically you shouldn't be left too much out of pocket expenses wise. Here's more details:

If I were you, I'd get your sister to make a GP appointment before you arrive and get your haematologist to write a letter of introduction. Also make an appointment with a haematologist here ASAP because specialist wait times can be hideous. There is a society of haematogists that can provide you with one local to wherever you'll be.

And if you're in northern NSW give me a shout for a coffee (yes still drink coffee... and water and juices...)

Happy travels Mary-Ellen

ETphonehome profile image
ETphonehome in reply to Mary-Ellen76

Thank you very much for your help Mary-Ellen. Following your advice my sis has discussed me getting blood tests with her GP and as you say it shouldn't be a problem.

Wow, coffee as well.....there's an offer. I may just take you up on that! ;)


ETphonehome profile image
ETphonehome in reply to Mary-Ellen76

Where are you located Mary-Ellen ?


Mary-Ellen76 profile image
Mary-Ellen76 in reply to ETphonehome

Lismore, northern NSW.... only about 1000km from Canberra... but in same neighbourhood as the illustrious Byron Bay

hackett profile image

Hello Keith ,, Just noted that you are planning to come to Aus for a holiday / a change. That which Mary-Ellen has written is spot on Especially the bits about the reciprocal agreement, getting a good haematologist and perhaps trying to prearrange an appointment with the haem asap,. I don't know if peg Interferon is covered on our PBS scheme, Perhaps someone else knows, but if it is, it would make treatment quite inexpensive. Just coincidentally we have over wintered in Brisbane and are packing for a return to Canberra's summer in 2 weeks. How far from Canberra is your sister?

Travel well ..... Jan

ETphonehome profile image
ETphonehome in reply to hackett

Hi Jan, Thanks a lot for your advice. From the info you and others have offered I'm hoping it shouldn't be too difficult to sort out blood tests. My sis has enquired at her own GP practice and thinks it will be fairly straightforward to arrange. I am hoping to take enough Peg to last me my entire trip which isn't that much as I am presently taking 45mcg every three weeks. The challenge will be keeping it cool and in my hand luggage for the flight. I have requested written support from my haematologist which apparently is in the post.

My sister lives in Kingsvale near Young in NSW. She and her hubby run a fruit farm and things are getting real busy at the mo so I think they'll be glad of my help. Can't wait to get out there!

I've actually been to Oz before in 1997. My dad lived in Maryborough, Queensland and my sister and brother lived on the Gold Coast.

Are you guys born & bred in Oz or did you move there ?


hackett profile image
hackett in reply to ETphonehome

Keith, Sorry the reply has taken long.. We are in the throes of packing to return to Canberra. Yes, the cherry season leading up to Christmas is a busy time, Though I wonder what impact the apparently impending drought will have on the various crops. The rainfall gradient from the coast is already quite ominous. I know this is unsolicited. There are more Haems to pick from in Canberra that I imagined. If you need one can I suggest a referral to one at Calvary Hosp on the north of Canberra , It may save 2 hours in travel time. At least one suggests an interest or specialty in MPNs. I imagine I can send the details in a private message. We are Aus born and bred but like many of that generation, children of European refugees All the best ... When are you traveling? Regards Jan

ETphonehome profile image

Well, been here for a couple of days and really enjoying the beauty of the place.

My sis and hubbys farm is in the middle of tranquil and relaxing.

Weather has been really pleasant temp wise but last couple of days have been showery. Apparently it was mid 30's the day before i got here.

Trying to find a cheap road bike so that I can keep fit and nose around a bit. Starting to champ at the bit as it's a week since i last got out for a run however I'm a bit apprehensive as my brother in law who is a right Ozzy bloke reckons a lot of the drivers over here are not big fans of cyclists and they aren't afraid to show their fellings.

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