Hi everyone and Thankyou to all who responded to my post on IBS.
My next concern is that I'm wondering how many of you take this every day long term because of aspirin being harsh on the stomach ... I was taking this before having ET for acid reflux and wasn't prescribed this by my heamotologist and I asked my doctor if I should continue and she said probably yes to protect the stomach even though my reflux has cleared ( I already take enteric coated aspirin ).
I noticed that when I didn't take lansoprazole for a few days my IBS symptoms improved slightly and was thinking there may be a connection with it and me keep running to the loo!
It's a bit of a dilemma as to wether to carry on with them or not but i will ask the doctor again .. Has anyone else experienced this and how many of you don't take antacids with your aspirin and feel ok
Thankyou to all of you Pippa