I am 61 and have ET. I was on 2x500mg Hydroxy plus 75mg Aspirin. I stopped taking it in September. In December I went to see a private doctor in Harley Street, not a haematologist. She did some blood tests, the results of which may be of interest to others, although they relate to me. It may save others having to spend a lot of money on private consultations. First of all my platelets had shot up to 1300 from around 460 and I have started to take the Hydroxy again because of fear of the unknown. The doctor recommended that I take the following supplements: Eskimo Brainsharp Fish Oil, Vitamins D & K2 by Dr Mercola , Methyl B Complex by Biocare for raised Homocysteine, Vitamin E Mixed Tocopherols by Nutri Advanced to thin the blood and Wise Owl Probiotic E505. The Vitamin E surprised me a bit because I was told by someone else that I should not take Vitamin E with my condition. This needs checking further. Also the thyroid peroxidase antibodies were raised so the Doctor told me I have to go on a gluten free diet. It is some sort of an autoimmune thing. Also I must not eat sugar because sugar feeds cancer and no dairy. So I am on gluten, sugar and dairy free diet from now on. I did go on this particular diet last year but slackened off because I did not understand the reasoning for it. All these supplements can be purchased from "Natural Dispensary" on the Internet.
Everybody should attend to their health and diet, but people tend to wait till they become ill before making the changes. With an MPN and especially with the severe symptoms some get with it, it is important to really look into this diet thing in depth, even if just to get some relief from the symptoms.
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