Sent to Hospital with possible TIA: Hi my MPN... - MPN Voice

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Sent to Hospital with possible TIA

jillydabrat profile image
35 Replies

Hi my MPN Family

I have had several "episodes" of sudden, overwhelming tiredness followed by slurring speech. I have often had to excuse my slow, deliberate talking because I thought people might think I was drunk when, in fact I am a teatotaller.

Last Friday I was sitting at the table paying my bills when I had a really intense rush in my head and a feeling I was going to pass out. This was followed by the slurring speech again. I know now that I should have called my GP straightaway but my speech had always gone back to normal the next day.

By Monday I was still struggling so I phoned my GP who called me straight in and, when hearing my difficulty with speech, sent me straight to hospital for a CT scan.

The scan didn't show any abnormality but they are sending me to the TIA clinic this afternoon for a MRA. I am still struggling with my words and it takes every amount of effort I can muster to get the right word out. I should also add that I have had difficulty with memory, in particular, finding the right word, for quite a few months now.

I always put it down to the PV and Hydroxy but I did start to wonder about mini strokes as these episodes became more frequent. The doctor at the hospital really gave me a good ticking off for not going to A & E on Friday. I am almost phobic of doctors and hospitals now because I have had so much happening with my health that i feel I just can't handle anything else.

Just keep your fingers crossed for me for this afternoon please, as I know you will xx

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jillydabrat profile image
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35 Replies
Kelly2 profile image

Hi sorry for your troubles! I thought that Hydroxyurea saves us from strokes and heart attacks!! So the doctors say! How long have you been taking it?

jillydabrat profile image
jillydabrat in reply to Kelly2

3 years now Kelly, it is more likely the warfarin I have been taking for over 13 years as I had 3 DVT's. If you have PV you are more prone to strokes, or should I say there is a slighter higher risk than normal.

Kelly2 profile image
Kelly2 in reply to jillydabrat

Thank you!

chrissie1959 profile image

Good luck Jilly xx

Hi Jilly

So sorry you have been havingvsuch an awful and i'm sure, worrying time . Fingers and toes crosssd that all is well for you this afternoon. I also hope that you are soon feeling a whole lot better Thank goodness you are getting the right investigations and at least if anything untoward is found they will start appropriate treatment, management and monitoring.

Seding E hugs

Love Dianne xxx

Debborah profile image

Keeping my fingers crossed for you - thinking of you and wishing you well xxx

Jacqx17 profile image

Hi Jilly,

I have everything crossed, and hope all goes well for you.

Sending lots of comforting hugs

Jacqui 🤗


Tinkerbell13 profile image

Hi Jilly, Only wish we could alleviate all your problems, you have been through so much...and been incredibly brave and patient about it all. Hope and pray now you can have excellent help and advice and support from the medics to get you and keep you as well as you can possibly be. Know you have masses of support from this brilliant Forum, with everyone really caring about you. Love and more hugs, Tinkerbell.

mhos61 profile image

Sorry to hear this Jilly. I think you have spoken about these episodes before.

It is a worry for you, but good that you’re getting it thoroughly checked out. Hope everything goes well for you this afternoon and keep us updated.

Mary x

Pippa63 profile image

Every good wish to you jilly. I'm fairly new here but have read some of your old posts and you certainly have had some issues to deal with yet been supportive to others on here . Everything crossed for you Jilly .xx

Inca profile image

Definitely X fingers for you Jilly,very best of best wishes for you.Sallyx

pontygirl profile image

Hope you get good news and will also keep fingers crossed.

I'm very new to the forum but I have felt it's benefits these past few days. Wonderful site with wonderful helpful people on it.

Thinking of you


Superwoman profile image

Oh so sorry to hear this Jilly, this can be frightening when it happens, I will keep everything crossed for you.

Keep us informed as to your progress.

Jean x

jillydabrat profile image

Good news. Saw an amazingly nice Neurologist and had an MRI which didn't show any bleed, so no stroke. We are now looking at my diet because following a gastric bypass you need a minimum of 75 grams of protein (higher than the average 45 grams for a woman because only 50% is absorbed). I have had lots of problems eating after the bypass and could not tolerate much meat and virtually no vegetables. We have added up what protein I am having a day (I live on ryvita and sliced ham) and found I am only getting, on average, 10 grams of protein a day. Protein feeds the brain so I may be experiencing "brain fog", a common problem from protein deficiency. I also cannot tolerate potatoes, white bread, pasta or rice or else my blood sugar goes rocket high and I have a whole boatload of other symptoms. I have an appointment with the Endrochronologist in April to see why I am spiking on carbs. For now I have to have a high protein diet. Bought some Whey Protein drinks to try and boost my system. So, thankful that no stroke but I am still a mystery to figure out. Thank you everyone for the lovely posts xxxxxxxx

Stevesmum42 profile image
Stevesmum42 in reply to jillydabrat

Hi Jilly . Just read your original post.......then saw this one. Well I am so glad your MRI scan was clear. You have had an awful time. Good that the problem has been identified so can now be addressed.

I am so sorry to hear of your other problems, I had no idea you were dealing with so much. You are always there for other people with help and advice. So thank you .

I hope now you can start to feel better very soon.

With love and best wishes. Sandy x

Betsywest profile image

Just read your post & then so relieved to see your update! So glad to hear it’s nothing too serious for you. Take care & enjoy munching on the protein!

lizk1993 profile image

Hi Jilly, just saw your post and update at the same time. Glad you've not had a stroke. Hope the endochronologist can sort you out.

Liz x

Maggie-ol profile image

Just read both your posts, relieved to near you haven't had a mini stroke, hope you get your diet sorted and are back on track soon!

Nickthedevil profile image

Hi Jilly I have also just seen both your posts together. So pleased you haven’t been having strokes and really hope you feel better soon. Karen x

Inca profile image

Great your good news less worry.Sallyx

Bridie123 profile image

Hi jilly, I too have just read both posts,so pleased for you that it's not a stroke. Isn't it amazing how things can be affected by what we have or not have in our diet!. Carole x

jane13 profile image

All the best - at least u r getting checked over


Fionnuaghla profile image

Hi Jilly

Sorry to read about your suspected stroke and so glad it did not happen. It must have been so worrying for you. I am really glad that it looks like some of your problems can be helped by diet although it seems it will be quite a task tailoring food to your needs. You have had such a shock and I hope that you can now relax a bit knowing that you will be having the right follow up appointments.

Warm wishes and a big hug

tina6 profile image

Hi Jilly, hope all is OK at your scan, I too was experiencing those symptoms it was only when I had a MRI that they discovered that I had had a stroke, I asked if it was a TIA and they said no it was a stroke, so always best to get these things checked ASAP, Wish you luck, let us know how you get on xx

tina6 profile image

I have just seen your update! Good to hear no stroke, take care hope you feel btr soon x

Roger41 profile image

I think everyone on here feels that way.

Hope it's good news tomorrow.

lizzziep profile image

Only just read your posts, what a worry! So pleased you haven't had a stroke! Hope the protein drinks help you. XX

harleydavidson profile image

Hi Jilly, so pleased that it wasn't a stroke. I hope that the protein works quickly for you. Take care. Love Mel xx

jillydabrat profile image

Hi guys, nearly a week later and I am still struggling with my speech. It's nowhere near as bad as when it first started but people are looking at me perplexed when I struggle. It's bizarre. Extra protein has done nothing to help yet but I am carrying on with it.

catwoman2015 profile image

I’m so sorry your having these concerns jilly I have only just seen your post hope you get some positive answers ASAP all the best Holly x

MCW22 profile image

Your scan shows that you haven't had a stroke, but you still need to be wary. As I understand it a tia doesn't show on scans. Your slurred speech is worrying.

jillydabrat profile image
jillydabrat in reply to MCW22

I was under the impression that an MRI scan would see a TIA. I am still suffering with slurred speech to the extent I broke down crying with frustration at not being able to get my words out when I saw my Endrochronologist yesterday. I won't talk on the phone now because of my slurring and not being able to find the words.

MCW22 profile image
MCW22 in reply to jillydabrat

Have you got any numbness in your face, mouth or tongue? Any problems swallowing, even swallowing your own saliva?

jillydabrat profile image
jillydabrat in reply to MCW22

no, none at all. I finally phoned my GP back today and he said he could hear something was still wrong. He has asked me to wait for the discharge letter from the clinic, which he is going to chase today, then he will look at referring me to whoever he sees fit. I do have an amazing GP

jillydabrat profile image
jillydabrat in reply to jillydabrat

told me also that scans are not 100% foolproof. Warned me that should I have go immediately to A & E if I become unwell with further stroke symptoms.

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