I'm posting because I've had a search and can't seem to find many people in a similar situation.
I'm only 24, reasonably fit, no other conditions and don't smoke. I used to be in the low risk group but apparently now with high Hcrit and platelets I've been bumped to high risk and they want to start me on HU or interferon Alpha?
also Jak2+ if that makes a difference
I was having venesections to control red blood cell count but it has been creeping up regardless and now they don't want to give me more because i'll be deficient in iron.
I'm not mad about starting chemo
Is this a common place to be in. Most other people seem to have high platelets or high red blood cell count. Is there and option just to continue with venesections and live with iron deficiency. Is HU preferred to Interferon in young people?
The weird part for me is that I'm symptomless and yet suddenly things seem to be serious...
UPDATE: Turns out my Haem asked a specialist (Claire Harrison) for an opinion and she has recommended no treatment until the symptoms of anaemia symptoms are unbareable