Hi everyone!
I hope you are all keeping well! I just thought I would update everyone on my progress, it's nearly been a year since i had the bone marrow biopsy that told me my ET had transformed into Leukeamia. As some of you regulars on here will know that after having IVF treatment and finding a donor for my transplant I was re tested to find out what level of chemo/radiation I would need and lo and be hold the Leukeamia had completely disappeared! I still to this day don't know how but someone must have been watching over me
This week i've had another bone marrow biopsy and have the long 10 days ahead of me to wait for the results all my fingers and toes are crossed that the Leukeamia hasn't returned. What I can tell you is that since then I have had the best medical care I could of wished for, i'm still being treated at the Christie and I have the best Doctor, he is there literally any time day or night to answer my questions, all the nurses know my name and are so friendly! I'm still going to the hospital every 4 weeks and my medication has been changed since moving to the Christie. I'm now on 180mg of Pegasys once a week and aspirin, and I am over the moon to say that my platelets are at the best levels they have ever been at approx 450... so nearly 'normal' my white blood cell counts and neutrophils are also looking good.
I'll keep you all updated on the results of the biopsy but I just wanted to let you all know that even if or when you do get bad news there really is always some positive in everything, after all I'm now engaged to be married, have a new job working in fundraising for an amazing charity and I have 4 frozen embryo's just in case! If i hadn't been given the Leukeamia diagnosis this time last year I wouldn't be in the wonderful position I am in today!
Keep on smiling and keep positive everyone
Jennie xxx