Well am a 42 year old woman, who had ached for a baby since I was in my 20’s. I was girl who wanted the family, but it’s all my friends who have it, and I don’t 😪
I wanted a baby so much that when I was single, I had 6 IUI cycles. Friends I knew who had success stories, give me massive hope, it would easy in fact. But no luck 😪
But then I was lucky and I met my wonderful partner, here was new hope, we clicked immediately, we both wanted a family, he has a son, whose taken to me wonderfully.
Then as we tried, no success, so IVF is was, large loan taken out, we have to pay coz he’s had a son (total shit). We had three failed cycles, recently last one was 3weeks ago. Am devastated, no money to go again, need to accept, pregnancy isn’t going to happen 💔
I feel sad, angry, resentful, depressed, the list goes on, how do you accept this situation, I feel as if, I need to change who I am, the girl who has always wanted to be a mum 😪