Hi this is my first post. I’ve had migraines since around 9 years of age, I’m now 44. Over the years I’ve been on every prescribed medication from my Gp and neurologist. I’ve tried Reiki, acupuncture and still to this day take vitamins (magnesium,riboflavin and Q10). I’ve been having Botox every 3 months with some effect. My neurologist referred me to a pain clinic for a Greater Occipital nerve block. I had this in Nov 2017. Very painful to have and I had a reaction to it. It made my migraines worse.
I always thought I understood my migraines and fully accepted them but this latest episode has destroyed my confidence. I am really finding it hard to see any positives or way forward. I have been off work and my boss is not understanding with the situation. I have began to feel anxious about going out to certain places in case I see work colleagues. I know this sounds crazy but it feels real.
Does anyone else suffer with chronic migraine and find it hard to just live a normal life?