i had it with life all my family is coming down from dundee my mephew wedding everyone been invited but myseelf and my three kids iam upset as i feel left out of the family i feel like a stranger looking in and its hurting very much as i have no family down here but they coming down to see them i had it now with life
whats the point with life: i had it... - Mental Health Sup...
whats the point with life

Im sorry youre feeling so secluded from your family scotty. Did anything happen to cause a rift between you or did you just 'grow apart'? Sometimes you need to reach out before someone realises theyre needed. It shouldn't be this way but people seem to have got so selfish and wrapped up in themselves over time that they forget others may need their company and support. Its such a shame you wont be there for the big day, is there any chance you've shyed away at all? I know depression can cause people to take a step back from social situations and if its been effecting someone for some time, those who used to be around may forget it used to be any different. Its awful but true. Ive given up pretending that everyone means well and everyone cares, because on the most, I really don't think that's true. You deserve to be loved and supported by your family, perhaps its time to take some small steps to get back in touch and regain those relationships. Its a shame you cant be there for the day but weddings are a magical day just about the special couple and the amazing commitment to each other they are making so leave them to it and look forward. What steps are you going to take for you to feel better? Something to think about maybe. Take care hun xx
Oh, as for the point in life, I missed that memo too! Do let me know if you ever find out wont you x
I feel for you, a wise person once told me you can pick your friends but not your family.
They are missing out not having you and the kids there.
Thinking of you
Scotty, have you got in touch with a crisis team? It might be worth doing so if you haven't. I', in the south of Scotland myself and just came back from a CBT meeting in town.
There is always help available and people you can speak to. Don't give up.
I'm not suprised you're wondering about life. Families can be so hurtful sometimes, why do they leave you out, is that something that usually happens for you within your family? If so it sounds like you must be the target for a lot of their feelings, must be carrying things for them. It's about time you let go and let them carry the shit for themselves, they will never do that so long as they have you to project it all onto. They may not even realise they are doing that, although they must know that it's hurtful to you if they leave you out. What's the history to that? Maybe there was a falling out. I can't remember whether you have a new family of your own, but I hope if you have that things are different, and if you do not have then maybe it's time you found someone for you who does appreciate you. Have a cuddle from me.
Thank you for all the nice comment all my family still see me as the baby of the family echo gets spoiled and. All the family hAtes that I said to my mum iam 40 I got. 3 kids age 22 20 and 19. I can stand on my own to feet I would love a man who I could hug up at. Night but when I tell them about my health they run away so I have up on that xxx