I've been friends with this person for almost 10 years. They are currently struggling with mental health and family issues; they wanted me to spend more of my free time with them. It's challenging because they are overseas in another country. I told them that I can't spend my whole day with them, but I can let them know my schedule of when I was free, to be understandable and reasonable.
They got upset with me when I was out with another friend at the gym, and they told me that I don't care to spend time with them when I do. I do care. They continued to not believe me, called me all sorts of things (e.g., that I'm a liar, etc.), and have blocked me or unfriended me many times. They return, and when they are offended over something I do, it's the same thing over again.
Every time they block or insult me, I lose patience; I get anxious and depressed. I try not to get upset, but they continue to make me feel like I've done something wrong. When I asked what I did to upset them, they told me that I should know by going back and looking through the conversation. They said that it would be overextending on their side if they were to tell me what the problem is.
This whole situation is exhausting. I want to help them since they have helped me with many things in the past, but it's like they don't want to listen or care for anything I have to say. If I offend them, I'm immediately ignored. I told them that I want to help with their situation and that I want to understand them, but they tell me that I can never understand the pain that they are in and that I'm not strong enough to help them.
I don't know what I can do; others around me either told me to give it time or ignore them since they don't care to consider my side of things. I just don't want to abandon them. Especially since they have dealt with abondoment in the past.
I'm currently unfriended. If they decide to return, is there anything I can do for them, or should I just give up?