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ElElyon profile image
4 Replies

Hello everyone. I have some issue to discuss with you all. The thing is that I am a graduate of 2023, but after my graduation things start to fall apart. In the first months after the graduation I thought it as a Post Graduation Syndrome, but when the time goes by I don't tell what it is. You know starting from October 2023, the real peace of mind and heart has gone from me. When people saw me I look like I am the happiest person, but I am not. When I try to discuss the topics with my mom she says like there is nothing that makes you depressed or stressed. There is no one who can relate to me except some google blogs. I don't have work or relationship. The reason that I can't have work is that I have got MSc. scholarship from my university, but you know what the field that I am studying is not worth it specially in my country. I have tried to apply for job positions, but I can't make it. At first my mom and other people used to say I have got a time, so I shouldn't have to rush anything. But one year later all of them expect me to got a job or to move abroad or to get married. But I can't do any of it. Even when the time goes by my optimist and bright self of me is degrading and I feel like I want to end up this life. I know the main reason to feel stuck in this life is having a big expectation of this world, but I can't do anything. Expectation was the only thing that holds me up. So please tell me what I should have to do? I don't want to kill my self cause I love Jesus, and I can't continue with this life cause I I can't take new step.

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4 Replies
blackcat64013 profile image

Hi Everyone,

Thank you for such an open & honest post

I am sorry that life seems to be less than ideal.

Having so many autoautomatic negative thoughts

is indicative of depression. They are symptoms in just the same way as aches & pains are symptoms of the flu.

When we are at our worst point, we are convinced that we are the world's worst person and the future is doomed. Perhaps a few weeks later, we can look back and wonder, how could I ever have thought that?

If we can adopt the perspective of allowing our thoughts to be recognised in awareness for what they are, in this moment, our relationship to them will be altered in the next moment.

In this way, we can free ourselves from their entangling, distorting and harming potential.

Remembering thoughts are just thoughts not facts is a wiser strategy.

IF left to fester, you will benefit from talking to a health practitioner.

According to a recent documentary I viewed, I believe the Minstry of Health in Ethiopia is responsible for this service in primary health centres and satellite health posts with community health workers.

You can still use the Internet to find ways of beating depression using the search "depression + self care"

Sending you hope and love ❤ 🐈‍⬛

ElElyon profile image
ElElyon in reply to blackcat64013

Thank you so much.

ladeda profile image

Hi ElElyon, I can sympathise with your plight, it oven feels like your generation has been sold down the river of expectations that all you need is an education and your future is set in stone. For some lucky few it certainly can be, sometimes graduates end up in a completely different direction than they thought they would go, for others it can take year's to reach their goals.Achieving a degree shows you are more than capable of how embarking to train in the career you have chosen and sometimes there can be a lot of competition, so offers no guarantees.

Am I saying you should give up that dream? Heck NO, if you are that passionate in that's what you want and really don't want to try anything else, maybe there's still some things worth trying? I'll come to them shortly.

Passion for life is a real buzz word at the moment, looking for new hobbies and interests out side of your career is also a good way to help you through the tough times. Your mother sounds like she so wants to reassure and protect you in an area she also has no control of.

Social media can be ok but will never replace the benefits of face to face social interaction. Keep trying to mix with others that support and help you smile, having your religion and mixing with that like minded community can sometimes be supportive if that's where your beliefs are.

Being depressed and so low is so utterly draining of your energy and inner resources and it's a huge fight to sometimes keep going, but no one knows what bliss or may not be around the corner, so please keep your heart and mind open as life always offers possibilities.

Ok so if the only thing that matters is that elusive career opportunity that just takes so long to happen, don't give up, keep trying the following?

Have you written an in depth introduction to yourself to go with the applications you fill in? I know that was what I looked at when I would chose whom I thought might be worth interviewing within the company I worked for, if I didn't see that it wasn't worth interviewing as there where lots of applicants.

Always research the position you are after so you can say why you want to be part of their team, once you make it to interview your half way there.

If you can continue for a short while without an income, check out anywhere you can offer to work for nothing so that you can obtain experience in your chosen field, it's not easy, but it can sometimes open doors that seem closed to you.

Please don't give up, things can look out of reach and you need to try other pathways to get where you want to go.

Employment is only part of a life that is full of so much more and as hard as it is keep trying to connect with those around you, trying may bring pleasures and interests into your world that you hadn't thought of.

Well that's very long winded I know! But just maybe there's one thing there that sounds worth a try? even if that one thing is to keep connecting with those you can relate to to get ideas to try. Remember as humans we have a need to connect to one another and be supportive.

ElElyon profile image
ElElyon in reply to ladeda

Thank you so much.

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