Anxiety is ruining my life... - Mental Health Sup...

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Anxiety is ruining my life...

j_styx profile image
4 Replies

Hello! I'm new to Health Unlocked and hope I can find some support here. I've always suffered from anxiety but recently it has become unmanageable. I am taking medication for it but it rarely helps.

I wake up every day feeling like I'm being suffocated, like a constant black cloud is haunting me. I have just started a new job and my anxiety is already impacting on that. My partner is so supportive but I worry it will eventually impact on our relationship.

I used to be so different, I was in the gym daily, sometimes twice a day, went to yoga classes, ate very healthily and was happy. I fell ill last year and my routine went out the window, after that the anxiety crept in. I am now too scared to leave the house alone, I don't go to the shops or out with friends or do anything social. I even panic when my phone rings now. I know I need to work at getting my routine and life back but I really am finding it difficult to know where to start.

I feel I am coping in the wrong ways, relying on having a drink when I have had a particularly bad day and I don't want to go down that road.

I hope talking about it and sharing my struggle will help. Is anyone or has anyone experienced something similar? Are there any particular tools or methods you found helped?

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4 Replies
tramelia profile image

Hi JadeMy heart really does go out to you. I too suffer with anxiety, the label i was given was GAD Generalised Anxiety Disorder. I also have depression.

Have you spoken to your doctor and explained that your anxiety has become unmanageable, and that the medication is barely helping. I know that some doctors can be somewhat dismissive of these feelings that so very many if us suffer from but yours may be a good one. I do know that you can do a self referral to a place called IAPT (I believe i have the name correct), and you can speak to a person about what you are going through.

Some doctors may refer you to the mental health service, and you will see a psychiatrist, which can then lead to you seeing a psychologist for some therapy, but these things generally take quite some time before you get an appointment.

I really do wish I could offer more help/suggestions but maybe someone else on here can help you more. Please take good care. I really do hope that you may get the help that you need.

All the best, tramelia

Davide21 profile image

Hi I know how you feelI've not been out socially for twenty years

I'm awful in morning like you said

Like a fog or black cloud

I live alone so makes it worse

I've got more time to beat myself up

It's effected me finding a female friend or girlfriend

Scared of going place's

I'm on tablets since I was 23 year old

They just keep me stable

Good luck for the future 🙏

Louiseone profile image

"I'm sorry to hear that anxiety is having such a negative impact on your life. It's important to remember that you're not alone, and seeking help from professionals can make a significant difference.

With the right support and treatment, including therapies, medications, and potential treatment, there is hope for managing and reducing the impact of anxiety on your daily life."

sunsetred profile image

You must go to the doctor's for some more help. There are websites that can give you ideas for self help. Try GAD specialists and NHS every mind matters. I too have bad generalised anxiety especially in the morning and breathing exercises help. When an anxious thought comes into your mind don't engage with it let it go and try to concentrate on the moment and what you are doing.

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