Hi, have been signed off sick with anxiety and depression and can't seem to get my headspace sorted...live alone but daughter visits regularly but feel empty...try and put my make up on(mask) but then i dont want to leave the house...
Just turned 65 and feeling hopeless - Mental Health Sup...
Just turned 65 and feeling hopeless

Hello I am 64 and live alone with a daughter nearby who is moving abroad with grandchildren next month. I have been on mirtazapine for past 8 weeks. I wake up and feel such tension in my tummy. Feel wretched. Wish I could relax my tummy. Am going to the gym soon. Wish I could relax. Everything seems to terrify me.
I understand. I hate those days when my anxiety stops me going out.But one day I met a guy with
2 dogs and we had a lovely chat and I felt better.
Before lockdown I used to have lunch at the church hall and my anxiety stopped. I met a lovely lady and we had a laugh and were going to exchange numbers but the dreaded lockdown came.
You said you are 65. No problem.
Young people have all that to come.
I hope when lockdown finally ends you can visit places and feel better for doing things.
I have medication for depression and it works. It's the anxiety that is a nightmare. Maybe I shouldn't mention medication but mine helps me.
Love and hugs
oooohh special olympics??(vollunteerr if u can) 65 .........? oh wwyyyyyyyyyy too yyoung for me..........sorry............love to have coffee with u....bet ur a gas...bit too young tho but closer than others...at least u know how to carry on conversation and have life experience so we can talk more than twenty seconds......or a picnic v what not a 90 dollar dinner u cheap sob!!!.........ya 65 stinks.......................then again...............if ur a guy......................and not a woman.........if ur a guy....................dang love those fine fine fine older I mean...............juuuice right vintage auto.s................low................and slow baby................low and slow.................ya man......................got ta find someone who ain't..............in a hurry esp through beautiful parks.............dang them 63 years olds doing 89 through the park............how in the world do they see a thing...................me..............gota ta find someone that wants to actually see the beatufl trees and forest...hear the sounds...............now where..................where the heck..............am I going to find someone like that.............heck everyone loves them foo computers.............dang we didn't even have electricity on the farm...........phone was 15 miles away..............ya like anyone is going to beievve that!!!!ha............oooh well.........65 man was a good year..................oooh the mustang ....................saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwweet................the music............oh who would remember thooossssssse tunes. mannnnnnnnnnna..... I'm a goner............dang.....oooh and remember the dances ..........what fun.............and ...........ya but................who would remember those better days.......................shoot.................dang nation..............mayve a gold fish????? 65 was a grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat year .................dang....................puff the magic dragon.......all kinds of cool tunes.............ya but.................they aalll gone now.............rats.................oh well................back to the cave and keep working on this deeeeern wheel thing...............never can get right................
65??? waayyyy to interesting ............why would they want to have coffee with me? then again.............i might fool them...............not 8957 years old as reported...........naw that my older brother sequioua ..............stands around .............gets all the attention..............taller than I am ...............he tried out for the Laker basketball team.....Paul Bunyann told him to stay put and guard the west coast..............darn...........Baby the blue ox was fun............now that's another story.............65 year olds would hate fun and tale tales.............dang...............wayyyyyyyyyyyy tooo young...........shucks..........
oooh just a thought..........wonder if she remembers the days when we used the can phones.............u kkonw... tomato can for long distance and soup can for local? ah ....way to young for that..........bet she had one of them black thingers....those finger do dads............think she bought butter or made it?? 65? did she just graduate from high school............oh bet her old man greet me with shot gun..................bet all the fellas want a date with her...............like I have a chance................my horses are dying......................u..................with her? shoot your wrinkles are older than her............thanks fellas u didn't have to tell her!!!!!!
oooh......hope she has some grey hair......soooo cool ...............
thik shed let me carry her books? naw......prob didn't do that in her day...hey what about decorating book covers? oh ....I'm dating myself...............ahhhhhh..........shoot..........did they bike ride in those days or was it those moped days.............thnk they had flowers or were they plastic by then...........but.............hey maybe shed like wild flowers??? or pressing them............oh...........thinnk she remembers old fashioned fun............or ............oh...............ya..............prob had to be boxed ...................dang............dating myself again................no way shed remember the mustang...............nooooooooooooo way.............
no way shed like sailing ships...........those days around the horn...........man...........the victory the cutty sark...........all these kids like is fast speed demon things..............65? prob power boats in those days..........death of the sailing ships were those infernal steam engines.................ah the romance of the sailing shiiipps................did they have romance in her days or was that outlawed by then.............heck I cant remember...........maybe I did get bucked off once to often.............or maybe it was that rock..............speaking of rock and roll.................
I am seventy and will be seventy one come August, so I smpathise.It is important you. However I would prevent myself putting on the Mudpack and get yourself outside and go out for a walk or do something related to your hobbie. Yes Mental Health Concerns make us just feeling stuck if we remain inside or at work. I would suggest you go for a walk in a park and enjoy the sun. We have not had much time time off over the last fourteen months .
Try and live your life and you will be surprises how many people walking around the park feel the way you do.
Read this book to anxiety treatment tinyurl.com/v35dy554