I like to read & have always loved reading books quotes, following blogs highlighting mental issues or ways to pursue happiness.
One of the ones that is simple but I struggle with, is simply to stop doing the things that make you hate myself. Everyday I try to do better but I fail often than not.
I think a great idea is to outline 3 goals & write it on post-it notes to remind you every day where you want to go in your life.
It's also helpful to relieve the pressure on oneself by reminding myself I can just have a "day", instead of a "great day".
To go for good enough, instead of perfection (a state that doesn't exist anyway). And it's great for people prone to perfectionism. I great way to punish yourself, is by constantly reaching for something no one can obtain.
I also allow myself, "slack days" when my depression or anxiety strikes. Allowing yourself to have a day to do nothing, you lessen the guilt you have for having depression or anxiety.
I of course use gratitude & feel guilty but I look back to history where the most terrible things to ever take place happened. I've read two books on the survivors of the holocaust & it's such a wakeup call. Sometimes it's a mental slap across the face, because when all is said & done I have so many things to appreciate....my freedom is just one of them.