Most doctors, especially mental health doctors, just plain suck. I've found research they've never heard of yet takes a 10 second Google search to find. There's doctors that stick to specific medications they prescribe and will only prescribe those. Go to another shrink and he'll say yes to a and b but not c. It's so difficult finding good psychiatrists. One time I told my doctor that namenda reduces Adderall tolerance and he looked at me like I had 3 heads. Turns out, there are promising clinical studies demonstrating the efficacy of namenda/memantine in ADHD. Psych doctors make me want to bash my head against the wall from frustration. They need to stop underestimating patients' intelligence and universal access to so many medical resources on the internet. No, we're not doctors. I couldn't diagnose someone else (although with psychology disorders I tend to be right.) However, I know what works for me and have studied myself extensively, like a lab rat. Damn it's hard to find a good psychiatrist.
Most psychiatrists suck.... - Mental Health Sup...
Most psychiatrists suck....

Hello Jonghee
You need to take into consideration many people need more understanding and explanations than possibly people like you. You need to consider that and then possibly you may move on to a better place when you find a more wholesome relationship is formed between the two of you.
Remember it does take Two to Tango and your Specialist is trying to help you get well. from your Anxiety/Depression.
However if you feel the need to change, your Doctor can hopefully do that for you. Remember you do not need to jump when someone tells you to. You have the right to Self determination. Your Specialist has the same point of view. It may be you need to back up and try those suggestions this person has advised you too try.

I completely understand what you're saying. When you can finally break through that wall and develop that rapport, it's excellent. I had that with my first psych. So you're right about two to tango. The problem I have had is that the psychiatrists I've been to don't lead very well. I remember one time being in the psych unit and the nurse told me she wouldn't know what doctor to recommend. It's a completely different ball game this area of mental health. Art instead of science. When I feel like a person instead of a patient, then I know it's the right one. Finding that one, however, is extremely hard. My point is that it's hard to find a good doctor, let alone a psychiatrist. But a bad shrink is better than no shrink at all, that's for sure.
Many Specialists use different methods to others and that can lead to confusion and quiet conflict. I went through the same problem in the eighties I had a CPN for two years and we had struck up a positive working environment. Sad to say She moved on and I was sent one I could not get on with. If you find a good one it is a good situation to be in.
Sheer hell if you cannot get on with the new one, although you can ask for a change, however you need to understand both sometimes it is the Therapist who cannot get on with their Patient, or some other problem and will ask to be replaced, so it can sometimes work both ways.
Try working together and if possible talk with the therapist at Assessment. The problem at this time Mental Health is a poor relation in the NHS so treatment can be hard to arrange through waiting times, so any problems could make a wait even longer. Treatments can sometimes be rationed. Also caused by the Virus that may cause problems getting treatment
All depends where you are I suppose