Mirtazipine withdrawal : Hi I'm on... - Mental Health Sup...

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Mirtazipine withdrawal

woodpeckers1 profile image
6 Replies

Hi I'm on mirtazipine 30mg amongst another antidepressant, however I wanted to come off because of weight gain and increased appetite, although I was starting to feel less anxious upon waking, the doctor said I wont have any withdrawals if I halve the mirtazipine for a week then take 15mg every other day then stop, I done this but didn't stop at 2 weeks , as feeling anxious again on waking , anyone else stopped this quick on the drug and have side effects


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6 Replies

We are all different when it comes down withdrawal from medications.

It may be with withdrawal your mental health issues may return, you have decisions to make. Yes we seem to put on weight with this group of medications, I can really relate.

Live and medications sometimes we need to be able to make informed choices


Tiggerakafidgity profile image

Hi wood

I was on mirtazipine 45 mg only for a week to help me sleep because of a heart condition but I had been on 30mg for a about 4 months.

I stopped in about one and a half weeks.no side effects.

The only side effect I had was I got me back less anxiety and felt a lot happier not being monged out all bloody day.

The anxiety you may find wears off a few days after you’ve stopped.

It could be a multitude of things.

Every day is different and every day your tablets work in different ways.even food can alter how they effect you.

Some times you just have to persevere to come out to the good side.

Good luck in which ever way you chose to go but I hope what I’ve said helps

MrRigatoni profile image

Hello pleased to meet you. As questions arise regarding antidepressants need to first consider are these suitable for you.

There are many antidepressants on the market each one has a usual laundry list of side effects.

All medication take a long time to kick in be effective, can be months.

There body can take a long time to be reactive to any medications. One big issues are the withdrawing of meds obviously can cause headaches pain bowel stomach issues and the drug is still in your systems..

Switching constantly reducing needs to be done carefully and with approval GP.

They inform you to see them two weeks if taking meds new ones.

Just a note if the GP is not doing this then you need to say this.

I have in my previous encounters with Medical Profession need to be talking to them.

Having been on meds for a long time switched to Sertraline.

The Mirtazapine was on for a number of years this is a drug for depression does and can be used for anxiety but it is mainly used for depression.

One thing I know of useful is various lines of support information on the net but also interesting if your UK based.

College called the Recovery College, courses on medications and many aspects of mental health.

Funded by NHS with extra funding by mental health charities encompasses one day courses on every thing mental health learnt here lots around my mental health.

Please can I also add with any medications combined worth looking at diet nutrition .

I gained a lot of qualifications in nutrition food science and this with my medications combined helps me to avoid weight gain and health concerns around any medications.

All medications come with leaflet worth looking at certain foods combined with meds can effect dosage and effects so if you for example.

Grapefruit juice with Sertraline effects the dosage you take.

With any mental health medication need to avoid always the following .

Caffeine in Tea, Coffee, Cola, Chocolate energy drinks these make you heightened are a stimulant and consume more makes anxiety depression worse.

Avoid alcohol no alcohol any way with any medications.

Smoking sugary foods the cravings of something sweet a big problems with mental health.

Have a fruit bowl with Apples mainly dice slice with Yoghurt touch honey works wonderful to replace.

Cereal Cornflakes a energy boost, snack attacks malt loaf Bread whole meal with Pea nut Butter if allergic nuts do not consume.

The following recommendations are whole grains Bread , Pasta, Rice and Beans Pulses.

Fresh fruit and vegetables lean meat. Chicken Turkey. Fish and Seafood.

I use a lot of the Italian cook book the recipes of the Mediterreanan .

Would recommend this as well if your local area where ever your living has community well being services.

Often a course to enrol on get involved looking at diet fitness well being meet others Who are the same.

Find a lot of support essential knowledge gained and qualifications a good thing to have.

Education is the key always, plus another advice is consult always your GP.

Mental health is and can be a hinderance if you let it be, one other the more you educate you self the more you learn.

My GP likes me to discuss any changes because of the knowledge I have.

Mutual respect and together find a solution.

Even my knowledge expertise on alternative therapies herbs spices comes in to action a long time study.

Alternative therapies one word of caution never take anything unless you know what you taking the effects it has.

These over counter supplements available world wide not good to take as they have hardly any of the ingredient they supposed to have in non effective.

One other mentioned weight gain meant to add exercise gentle does not have to be hard small changes.

One being Chi Tia work out small movements arms legs and whole body do this most mornings.

Have music on move around dance a little have this on doing every day uplifting music.

Walking light household duties and so on helps.

I had severe weight gains with addiction combinations of med my diet eating wrong foods.

Often advising members of many communities charities and forums in the past.

A quick suggestion mental health charities do have lifestyle coaches and members of staff who can help sign post you.

I hope this helps any questions please ask me happy to help.

Been doing this a long time and be a pleasure to help.

Please take care

woodpeckers1 profile image
woodpeckers1 in reply to MrRigatoni

Mr Rigatoni, thanks so much for all your information, really helps. I really do need to change diet , sugar craving bad. I would like to do course on mental health nutrition , would be good for wellbeing and maybe work in the future. Yes I am uk based, are you ?

Thanks again


MrRigatoni profile image

Hello thank you for reply. Yes I am based in the UK.

Happy glad to help anytime anything you wish to know please ask me.

Wealth of lots of knowledge foodie diet and nutrition, started doing this evaluations on everything lifestyle since having mental health issues.

Sugar sweet stuff sets off the part of the brain Diaphoneme which effects the craving the comforts we all desire.

Chocolate and those naughty treats even my self have succumbed so try to get my mind thinking be using alternatives.

One suggestion I have is to look at mental health charities if you receiving any support talk to them but you do have a choice .

Your the clientele if not happy look at other resources if they not helping you be supportive.

Used these three might not be in all areas. A lot of the charities want there clientele to be self supporting.

In other words have the tools to cope deal with anything because they have to move you on for others to be enrolled.

So a good incentive always suggestions advised clientele on long term health issues in support meetings courses.

The first step can be enlightening because look at the whole picture your goals aims and discuss care plans talk to you.

Look at everything benefits, housing , social, lifestyle, much more.

Health a major one of course because has been know meeting a support worker can identify if the medication your on is the right one for you.

My last support worker went with me to GP had discussions my health and well being spoke on my behalf amazing changed.

One other the current benefit situation if claiming PIP or ESA usually attend might have to pay costs for mileage car parking support workers .

This is something they unfortunately have to do only happy glad to.

A voice presence and speaking on your behalf wondrous sending reports in with application forms, success for me a lot of reassurance calming influences.

Lots support, guidance, advice,information.

Many charities often do employ those with mental health and give them training support much needed.

So please if you wish to ask them this.

The three I used unfortunately certain parts of the UK do not cover.

Worth finding out.

Details for you




Last charity an advocate charity speak on your behalf any medical professional problems.

Use them.

Please if I can help any further please get in touch or wish to have a chat happy to be supportive.

I wish you well please take care.

NiBa5 profile image

I took Mirtazapine 15mg for sleep in addition to take Fluoxetine 40mg.

I gained 10 pounds in 3 months.

Since my sleep has improved and I’m no longer anxious, I came off. I took 7.5mg for 2 weeks then about 3mg for 2 weeks then I took about 1mg for 2 weeks. In my case, it worked.

Good luck on your coming off process.

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