I am scared to go out in the street . I don't go anywhere . I lock myself in the house. My partner goes to work . but I can't face going out into the world . scared that I will get hurt .
Hate myself : I am scared to go out in... - Mental Health Sup...
Hate myself
Hey. It’s not easy feeling that way. Try something simple. Perhaps go outside and walk down the street and back. You might feel better once you do. Too much thinking and we psyche ourselves out of doing what we must do. All it takes is just 1 decision to do what you know is right. Fresh air and sunlight await you
I can't . I have a real bed anxiety attack kif I try that
Yeah it’s tough. Perhaps even dial that back. I used to go outside and behind the house where nobody could see me. And I would pace back and forth for what seemed like an eternity. But hey, I still managed to go outside.
An anxiety attack is very scary but it's important to recognise that it won't harm you. You need to start going out even if it's only a few feet, then build on this very gradually. When you start to feel anxious go back inside and stay with the feelings. Doing this will help you recognise what you are scared of. In other words feel the fear but do it anyway.
Learn some techniques ie breathing exercises to help you regain control. There is lots of help available online and on YouTube.
Unless you want to spend your whole life indoors you have to keep fighting this, as only you can do it. x
I wish I tried that and that didn't work either
We have not been in two main cities now for at least twenty years, yes we have been in Market towns, that is it. Why do I want to visit a city when I can purchase goods from all the main shops on the Internet. Cities are to busy, to much pushing and shoving. Dog eat Dog. I enjoy the peace looking out the window and taking our Pax out for a walk, we see no-one and that suits me.
We are both Pensioners, we visit Historic Houses and Castles etc, Pax is a very educated dog.
I have been through this and I really had to force myself out. It gets worse if you succumb to it and you build all sorts of scary scenarios in your mind about what could happen, people staring at you etc.
As others said, try stepping out of the door and building it up, wear headphones and listen to some music, wear a hat that you can pull down over your face, so you don’t have to make eye contact. Being outside makes you feel part of life and not a prisoner in your own home, give it a try.
Have you talked to your GP regards your Agoraphobia ??
If not discuss your problems in Surgery
Hi Kazdean it's very difficult I know, because I'm like that, I go out in the car sometimes just to sit there, looking at the sea, the birds flying around, but I've always got my sun glasses no matter wha the weather because I feel safer behind them, strange I know but it helps me. Maybe you could try something like that, and see how you feel. Best of luck.