It’s my GCSE’s next week and I’ve recently gone into a depressive episode and I know it’s going to severely affect the grades I get I can’t revise stay motivated or focuses I can’t sleep and i can’t eat I don’t know what I’m going to do I’m going to put what I’ve worked for for so long In trouble
Depressive episode in the middle of m... - Mental Health Sup...
Depressive episode in the middle of my gcses

Hi I was wondering how old you were coz this could affect any replies we give. you. x
Hi again roseamelia02, sorry to hear you are struggling with the studying for your GCSE's.
Now take a deep slow breathe in and out and remember what BOB and many of the members said back to you a few months ago. It all stands true for now time. Go for a short walk and try and clear your mind looking and seeing the things around you by refocusing.
Keep all thoughts of work out of your head yo are recharging your batteries. Take your music with you.
Come back and have something to eat that you like and then implement what BOB said in his post. Break up the revision in small bite size chunks so that you can manage it. Take frequent breaks and re read all the good posts you have received before.
Let the school know you are struggling by talking to a teacher that you trust.
YOU can do this, we know you can.
Stay with us and let us know how it is going, small steps at a time. Good luck.
MAS Nurse & Moderator.
Hello Rose
How old are you ?
Welcome to the world of getting older and taking examinations to decide on how your future will be spread out in front of you ? You will not be alone in your fears and concerns we all, at various times suffer the same type of worries, so you are not alone. All will pass when you get your results