So it's not concerning anything mentally so please don't report me. Does anyone know how to plan a baby shower? I so scared I searched online and way beyond lost about it. I want it to be fun but I just don't have any ideas. Could anyone help?
Need some help: So it's not concerning... - Mental Health Sup...
Need some help

We have a shower head fitted to the bath taps, the head is quite small and we use it when washing our hair, you can also get on fitted to ordinary bathroom sink taps. I suppose you may be able to place the babies bath in the adult bath, or bath the baby in the bath where you can use the shower head.
There are also shower heads attached to a longish hose, you attach it to a tap mixer and extend it down to the babies bath, that may work

You sir are a corker. LOL

Aww thanks
Hello Charmerbluegirl. This is not really appropriate for this forum as Bob has remarked on the post below ha-ha. However I did organise one with my daughter awhile ago. Pinterest app is a good source. I am only giving you this info as I don't want you to stress too much about this as it is meant to be enjoyable.
Please use other means of researching things like this in the future - yes?
Good luck with the task.
MAS Nurse & Moderator
So no games or decorations?