Hi. I've been taking citalopram for anxiety and low mood for the last 5 weeks, 10mg for the first 2 weeks, 20mg since then. Still feeling quite low and teary. Should I be starting to feel better by now?
Citalopram: Hi. I've been taking... - Mental Health Sup...

Hi Jo I I've taken citalopram in the past which at the time worked well it takes a while to have any effect so give it a bit longer 5 weeks is early days! If after 2/3 months it's having little effect ask your doctor if he can either change it or increase it which ever suits you! I'm on venlafaxine now and my phyciatrist put me on quetiapine as I was crying a lot which lessens the occurrences I still have occurrences but not very often! I wish you all the best get back to me if you want any more info on citalopram! David
Thanks for that David. I'll give it a bit longer and see how it goes. I never normally go to the doctors, I'm pretty healthy, and really don't like taking tablets However, I got into a stress/anxiety/ mode about 6 weeks ago, felt I couldn't catch my breath, panicked, and I can't seem to get out of it. I'm usually out and about all the time but not comfortable doing that at the moment. Trying meditation, tapping, should be starting CBT soon, maybe hypnotherapy. Just want to be the person I was at the beginning of March,before all this started
Hi there thanks for answering my post! You owe it to you're self to go to your doctor don't leave it till your health takes a turn, depression and anxiety are more treatable if you start something to help earlier! Regarding hypnotherapy is worth looking in too as is breathing exercises when you feel anxious breath in through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth! I wish you all the best david
Hi Joni-m. I am on 30mg of citalopram and I had to give it a couple of months when I first started. When you have a change in medication like the dosage, I found myself feeling pretty useless tho it will kick in I promise. However if say after like 5 weeks you feel no different defo see the doc
Allow more time for the upped dose to take effect Joni.
Give the medication a further three or four weeks