Will my anxiety calm down or will I be like this rest of my life
Anxiety : Will my anxiety calm down or... - Mental Health Sup...

Hi Dolly322,
Welcome to our supportive community. Well done for taking a brave step out of your comfort zone to reach out for help. Hopefully, you will find folks here are only too willing to come alongside you and share from their personal journeys and experiences. You are obviously having a difficult time right now, can you share a bit more about your situation? Are you getting help from your doctor as there's a whole range of therapies that may help you?
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MAS Nurse and Moderator
You need to discuss your Anxiety with your GP,He will help and suggest a pathway for you to take.
You are making first steps here however there are techniques and medications that may help you. You are not forthcoming in how your condition presents itself so you need support, given this there is no reason why with help you will not recover from Anxiety with help, time and your own determination.

Have discused it with gp but sometimes feel like they don't listen
Hi this is like asking how long is a piece of string! You will need to work on yourself and get some medical help. If your doctor won't listen see another one who will. If you don't do anything to change then you won't so persevere in getting the help you need and deserve. x
Up again with the anxiety just wish it would do one
Good Morning Dolly
Supporting and recovering from Anxiety can be a long tedious journey, accept that and consider writing out your concerns to give to your GP. You need to show the desire to be well because when all treatments are performed or suggested the only person who will cure you is yourself, with the help and encouragement of those around you, including your medical team.
You need to understand the reasons for your condition and approach them in a determined manner. Also life can have risks, that is part of the experience we all enter into. However, make an appointment and see what is suggested.
You may be able to make changes to help yourself move on

I have disscused it with gp and if I knew what triggered it I would know what to do
The problem with Anxiety is that many people do not understand and look upon it as a weakness. You mention no family, that can be a cause especially when you were young. Sometimes those around us, family may be a problem that has caused your concern, in other words your past, activities and expectations may have brought about your fears. Fight or Flight.
In my case I was affected by a dental appointment to have thirteen baby teeth out, they placed a gag in my mouth and left it in for over ten mins before giving me gas so they could do extractions. They left roots or pieces of teeth in the jaw, and they fell out well into my teens. Another dentist would slap my face or get the nurse to hold onto my head while operating. This eventually caused me to need sedation for the rest of my life. Now at sixty eight I am loosing my teeth and every time I go for extractions they take me into hospital and sedate.
Something like above, other other problems can cause these problems, they seem to reinforce themselves over the years. If parents do not show concern or similar this can work against the child and can cause problems. Above is just one example of what can happen. It can be so very hard the the person to pull themselves around

My friends are part of the problem but I have no one else and im the type of person what finds it hard to say no I have no one else and in the past they have done a lot for me and if I need anything doing they do it just sometimes I feel put upon
Friendships can be related to give and take, sometimes however, someone may take more than they give and when someone has Anxiety it can be a turn off to those friends you know. Anxiety, hypothetically can make us bleed, we can wear our hearts on our sleeves, this can make people around us feel uncomfortable. The whole problem of Anxiety becomes counterproductive to those around us, that is why we need help and assistance to move on down through life.
Sometimes people become sensitized to their body and its health concerns and this can make sufferers feel very concerned and frightened., instead of understanding many problems are normal and you can move on.
Many problems can be put down to fight or flight, the problem is it becomes difficult to turn off these concerns and we become unable to understand natural health concerns

I know but when you have no one else you don't want to loose them I know this is a stupid question but will it calm down I'm not going to feel this bad rest of my life I just need a bit of reassurance sorry for asking
There is no reason why your Anxiety will stay with you for the rest of your Life. However you need coping skills that will help you relax
Try MINDFULNESS Relaxation Technique, they can work very well given to, they can calm your mood and concerns. Diversions and activities you enjoy can also help you control your fears as the brain becomes more active when doing something you enjoy.
We all dwell on various problems in life and it would be wrong to say, some people may never suffer Anxiety. Most people will go through something that rattles them and they worry at a possible outcome of some life concerns or Anxiety. Eventually most will just move on. The Anxiety may be something to do with examinations a new job or the lack of the job, they move on eventually.
This is why I would suggest you be determined with your GP, also understand your needs and expectations. Be positive in your outlook, you will find the tools to help yourself with assistance of medications and CBT. It also will give you the tools to move on and push yourself in a more positive direction

I am with a crissis team at the moment going through relaxation meditation and mussel relaxation just want to feel a bit better in mornings sorry for going on
No, you are ok Dolly
How are you getting on with the Crisis Team ?
Are they getting down to what has caused your Anxiety.
Have they begun to work out the best pathway for you yet ?

They have been calling teaching me how to relax and breathing exercises not sure what has caused this anxiety
Mindfulness can work, as can Breathing Techniques, follow their instruction and hopefully you will be able to open up given time and that will help you move onto a better place as far as your Anxiety is concerned.
Sometimes we may need to make some to decisions to allow you to move on and cope with your problems
Always here for a chat
Using my eg I started with anxiety which I still have and other illnesses/disabilities, which then lead to NEAD. All I can say is that the more knowedge you have about it the better. Also accept it yourself and stand up to ignorance as much as you can but stop if it brings out anxiety symptoms severely for you. Unfortunately I feel that people with this medical issue need to change ignorance of it because well people (there a few exceptions) will not change prejudice or help us through it. In my life u don't get good continuous support indeed I just get the opposite. I hope this helps, however it may not my match your views too which OK a well.
I know what you mean I have no family just a couple of 'good' friend but they don't understand just say pull yourself together which doesn't help I trying my best
It will. Anxiety is temporary it is not a lifelong illness like ADHD which can't be cured. Trust it could be worse

Anxiety is natural everyone has it it goes back to fight and flight body function. Anxiety does oeak and level. My anxiety causes me NEAD which is not a nice or understood condition. Only neurologists can diagnose this, that's where I got my diagnoses from.
What is NEAD? Actually I have minor anxiety too and I don't have NEAD

Mead stands for non epileptic attack disorder (it has other names too). It is diagnosed by a neiroligist which mine has been. My anxiety sometimes unconsciously or even when I believe I am happy causes me to have a seisure. I never can say I will have one next but I know I will. I have to monitor my anxiety and aim to lower it best that I can. I can say certain certain would have a high probability of happening. i hope this helps I don't mind saying what it is has I want people to help NEAD sufferers but only if they feel comfortable doing so of course.
That must be tough. Can I ask is this genetic ? Like my grandma has anxiety and she suffers something similar to you ie passing out when anxious so will I get the same as well ? And I never been diagonsed by whatever you have

Its not genetic. A person has to have gone through one or more traumatic events too suffer from it. It is not about being weak or strong like anxiety, depression is also. No sufferer chooses to sufferer from depression, anxiety or both like me. 2 ways I would describe it is 1) a glass of water filling up in every second (occasionally flow stops but not often) so the eventually flows over the sides UNTILL the run of water stops has the level is not more than the glass can old. This happens over and over again with different times in between. 2) a computer running lots of programmes at the same time, processor can't run them all so the computer crashes. The rebooting of computer and the time it takes is the time my seisure needs to reset itself. This again happens over and over again. It is not please tell and it can be made worse by oublic and also health professionals at every level of NHS. I have been told by the last neurologist I saw that I am different to most patients they see has I am knowledgable about what I suffer from. I am knowledgable for 1) I prefer to have knowledge to help myself understand illness better to help myself and others 2 too combat in appropriate treatment I receive so that I can challenge it if it is possible to do so. I have to stand for my human but more so disabled rights because if I do not no one will. Also there people with some or all of my illnesses who are mot able to do this do I am doing this for those too.
This is a reply to what I read before I saw that there was more to your message however I didnot want to retune all of this reply again.
Up early again with my anxity problems would love a lie in bed and feel calm REALLY REALLY hate mornings
Was really bad this morning with my anxiety but went out at 10 to my friends helping move some stuff but now getting really anxious so going home soon hope I haven't over done it
I can really relate to the anxiety being at its worst on a morning.. just recovered from a bad episode of anxiety and depression myself and I would dread mornings so much because I knew how bad I would feel. With anxiety it's definitely about accepting that's how you feel and managing the symptoms..it does ease with time, although with me it never goes away completely.. I've had several lengthy episodes of it 3 years running now.. CBT helps, as does a healthy diet, regular exercise and mindfulness.. wishing you well and a speedy recovery!
Well that's crissis team been out sending a doctor from there department on Thursday see what she can do for me