My friend suffered from depression and anxiety, she see a psychiatrist and has a therapist. She is prescribed medication for her anxiety and depression. Yet she still suffering.
What’s the best treatment for depress... - Mental Health Sup...
What’s the best treatment for depression and anxiety? I have a friend who suffers. What causes depression?

Hello Desertmouse58
Thank you for your message and welcome to this group.
I am so sorry that your friend is having a difficult time in spite of the medication and therapies. It can take a long time for treatments to be effective. You don’t say how long she has been unwell?
It will be important that she sees her doctor and therapists for ongoing assessment. Your friendship and support will be a very important to her. Talking can be incredibly therapeutic.
Our members are also very helpful and supportive and have a wealth of experience, so may have some information for you.
Perhaps you could tell us more about her situation and how things are for her?
The topics and pinned posts may be helpful.
The charity MIND at also have a helpline
0300 123 3393.
Please get back to us
Best wishes
For me.. pets... helped and still helps my depression n anxiety. Meds didn't help me.. they just covered up the problem and didn't get rid of it. Kinda like a bandaid. Whatever can distract ur friend for a minute or second.. will give them time to get relief or just breathe. Also... maybe talking about it... being in this community.. they can read about others going through the same... and how they do it day in and out. Your a good friend...
Diversions and hobbies really do help as does understanding what is causing Depression and trying to control or come to terms with the cause.
Generally CBT can also help, your GP can arrange a course of about twelve sessions. They can explain various coping skills that may help like MINDFULNESS Relaxation Technique. They can purchase a book on Amazon for £7.00
Hi Dessertmouse58,
I suffer with depression and anxiety it isn't a pleasant place to be.
I really don't want to say that the other responses are wrong, there's some very good advice, but I'd like to give a different angle on the issue.
For me my issues are completely and utterly irrational. You asked the question "What causes depression?". In my case I really don't know, my feelings don't make any sense whatsoever. We all go through sad times in our lives - the loss of a loved one, losing a job, a pet etc etc. Sadness in those situations is completely understandable but depression is different, you can't know when it might happen and there isn't a single thing that causes it, the best way to deal with it is to manage it rather than try to find a cause.
Talking therapy is brilliant. You sound like a good friend and the best thing you can probably do is just listen. Don't try to fix the depression but just being there for your friend will help enormously.
MAS_Nurse suggested contacting the MIND helpline - they are brilliant, your friend might benefit from blurting out everything to a complete stranger who is trained to help rather than feeling embarrassed talking to a friend. Even you could call them and explain what's going on and see what advice they have for you to help.
I'm going through issues but am certainly no expert - I can only advice on the experiences I have had. Others may disagree but every individual going through this is unique and not everything works for everybody.
Good luck and make sure you look after yourself. Just being there for your friend is maybe everything you need to do.
Thank you Chbake,
Your insight is valuable because your living through this depression and it’s way of consuming a person state of mind. Your so right that it’s important to have a friend that listens. She’s said many times that it helps to talk about her depression and anxiety. I worry because she does not have many friends to turn to. Her mother does the best she can. I do let her know, that she can call anytime night or day. That makes her feel better. Her mom and I understand this is not easy for her.
Thank you again,