Today I found myself looking back over the last couple of years. its good to review your journey from time to time. I am not over everything yet I'm sure but just thinking back to where I was a couple of years ago and the difference is amazing. Then I was sleeping in an unmade bed, wearing whatever clothes id worn during the day (or days) eating whatever was around, if I ate at all. I relied on dry shampoo and deodorant. I had to wear my hair up it was so matted at the back. now I shower, wear clean cothes, I have sheets on my bed, I eat fairly regular decent meals (ish), I can think, I talk to people, I can focus long enough o read or watch a film (most of the time). I open my curtains and this week ive even started to do some housework!!
for all of you out there in the first deep stages of depression where you have no hope and can see no future, keep going, it can change. it takes ages and there will be ups and downs along the way but it will get better than it is today xx