What do you do when you have no health insurance anymore. When you need help, ASAP and you can feel yourself slipping into something bad but you can’t afford help.
Advice : What do you do when you have... - Mental Health Sup...
Hello Sifty
We are in the UK so we have the NHS and we can generally go see our GP etc
You may find an instruction In Pinned Post Crisis Support UK, USA, Also international
I hope things get better. I don't know how to answer that question so I'm sorry. I support you.
Thank you Vonnah
can you get medicaid?
in the us you can qualify for medicaid by making under a certain amount...if in the uk i think there is something called universal health care. Also you can do the following things:
-reach out to family and freinds
-join support groups
Once you get support whether via a doctor, psychiatrist or therapist, or through family & friends, you can try medication, talk therapy, cognitive therapy, or a litany of other things.
one of the things that has helped me however, is being honest about my feelings, like, not trying to stuff them down, even if they are negative, even if they are positive and someone doesnt want to experience "positive me", i try not to stuff it down and be more realistic about situations. it removes some of the exhaustion of having to pretend i think.