I came across this website by googling 'Seriously stuck in my life'. About myself: im a girl, 28, single. people describe me as being very positive as someone who sees the bright side of life, and yes i do, but deep inside i feel so much in need of someone to hug me and says don't worry everything will be alright. They seek my help, im a good listener and always ready to help.
I'm really bad at relationships, be with my parents, siblings, colleagues or boyfriends i had. Am i such a bad human being?
I've joined gym, where i do HIIT cardio, weight lighting, Qichong, yoga meet people, i still do it but no more feel motivated.
My education, Ive done a BA and Ma in philosophy, now doing msc in mental health. I somehow know few techniques, few know-how about life and struggles.
I'm an underpaid teacher by profession, i love working with kids but pressure and pay do not motivate me.
My friend told me im very judgemental, but i really unaware that i was being judgemental about others.
I love my life, but i seriously feel very lonely, with no hands on my shoulder, and believe me it took me great courage to validate that that yes i am lonely.
I don't want to die, i want help. I feel i'm stuck somewhere, dunno where and how to get out of it.
I've so many questions in my mind. I fear to approach others as i fear they will judge me. yes the has to be perfect attitude.
Please enlighten me. Thank you