Winter is coming and I fear that i will spend all these months doing nothing but being lonely and blue. I am off my lessons, I just have to organise my graduation project and finally finish university in spring/summer; I am almost done, however i feel paralyzed cause i still do not know what to do after my graduation. Confusion and anxiety are at a very high level; I can't stop thinking that this cold and lonely winter will bring me down too much and I will end up making the wrong choices because of my low motivation or worse that I won't make it , instead of planning life in a wise way and feeling happy for my future. Any advice about how to "survive" this period? Thanks
How to "survive" winter?: Winter is... - Mental Health Sup...
How to "survive" winter?

Hello Hylaaa and welcome to the forum. Congratulations on what you have already achieved. You have done so well. Sorry to hear things are so difficult for you. It would be very helpful for you to book an appointment to see your doctor to discuss how you are feeling. He / she will be able to help and support you. Perhaps some medication or counselling would help? You will begin to see things more clearly when you are feeling better and will make the right choices. Everything seems to be overwhelming at present. We are unable to diagnose,but I wondered if you could be experiencing Seasonal Affective Disorder [SAD] which is a type of depression that comes and goes in a seasonal pattern. Have you felt this way before, during the winter months? It may be worth discussing this with your doctor. A range of treatments are available. You can find out more about this on Please post on the forum where you will receive support from other members. Thank you and best wishes.
Thank you for your kind reply! Yeah, i will see my psychologist tomorrow. Since i have started university three years ago, winter is always a bit sad for me, especially after Christmas time. I am not busy a part from study, I am at home everyday and I have a few friends... But this year it is worse. Since last winter I have been in a long distance relationship with a guy who lives in Palestine (I am italian). I met him on Erasmus in France and we decided to keep the relationship even though it is really tough and we knew it. The fact is that spending winter far a way from the one I love seems even scarier and harder than all those terrible past months we spent a part ( from june till now).
Hiya, and welcome.
I know just how you feel about graduation - I found it a pretty unnerving time, and in all honesty found it pretty hard to adjust to “life” post-study (a few other things made it much more complicated but that’s another story).
As for what to do this winter - just keep doing what you love and what you’re good at Spend time with the people you value most. Celebrate your successes and achievements (and you *do* have them)! You’re doing great - I’ve no doubt you can pull through.
Take care,