Purposeless-Spoken Word: Agony. The... - Mental Health Sup...

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Purposeless-Spoken Word

Veg_Gal profile image
4 Replies

Agony. The heavy emotion that comes with the familiar cloud of hopelessness and emptying joy out of my soul.

Depression, thoughts clouding my mind, affecting my reactions, isolating me from those caring, confused, seemingly strangers to my world.

I don't understand. Purpose. Why?

Success at work, why?

Making money, then what is next?

Find a lover? Then what will I do, hung by the fragility of them holding my heart and using puppet strings to manipulate my mind...

Its gone, it feels like. The drive.

It feels like its gone by.

While the most painful look into my soul is the small hope of gaining purpose back, but in fear remaining in self-pity in the case of stepping out..

And finding dreams crushed.

But through the chaos of depressive thoughts, I must walk. Step by step, though I fall. My God please pick me up.

May I see truth and healing to be my purpose.

Giving to be my fuel.

Acceptance to be my encouragement

Community to be my comfort.

May gain what has been lost, purpose....

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Veg_Gal profile image
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4 Replies
MAS_Nurse profile image

Hello Veg_Gal

This piece seems to describe what so many depressed folk are going through. I am assuming you find it helpful, comforting maybe even hopeful? Keep walking step by step I feel certain you will be picked up along your way. Keep communicating, we are here.

Chevybucket profile image

Hi Veg, I too have had several of the same feelings, I try to stay busy and most of the times I dont want tondo anything but some days I win over but if keeping count Im not winning the game but Im still playing, It has helped since i started walking around town just looking and breathing and it keeps my mind off so many things that brought pain and worry. Your not alone, dont give up, If nothing else Im here to listen.

copasedic profile image

Very well put! I find that small tasks are helpful , even if you change from one task to something different as the spirit moves you, stop to rest, take a walk, do something creative.... it's all good! Cry when you're sad, laugh when it's funny!

Renus profile image

"Do not be anxious over anything,+ but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known to God;+ 7 and the peace+ of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts+ and your mental powers* by means of Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6,7Do not be afraid, for I am with you.+

"Do not be anxious, for I am your God.+

I will fortify you, yes, I will help you,+

I will really hold on to you with my right hand of righteousness." Isaiaiah 41:10


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