What's the point: I've had depression... - Mental Health Sup...

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What's the point

negative7 profile image
10 Replies

I've had depression for 10 years and it only gets worse, I've been put on different meds and I have to take diazepam when I need it. The police want to take me to hospital every time I threaten suicide but it doesn't help. The GPs don't care and I'm not receiving any support like councelling or anything.

I don't really see the point any more in trying to get help. I've lost interest in everything and no one wants to hang out with me because I'm too depressing to be around

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You can take as many medications they can give, you seem to have gone through all the treatments they offer so you need to take a look at what is causing your problems and address those using what medical professional have explained to you.

You can address your problems in small bites and address your concerns that way, Depression is not easy to address in the first instance you need to be able to seek blue skies by helping yourself move on.

It is sad that they are suggesting you be taken in for treatment and I can understand how you must feel.

Generally many people are around here to help and if needed many will advice you on their ways they have tried to help themselves.

Be kind to yourself and understand any help you gain are suggestions that you can run with, what you need to understand you need to be able to help yourself with the help of those around you and the main person yourself

I understand you know the process of a Section you explained above and generally the fact that it is very rare to become put in hospital to treat you, they prefer to keep you interacting with Society.

We are here for you if help is needed, try to work out your problems and address them in your own way. You can and eventually will help yourself at the right time and it will become easier as you gain confidence.

Suicide is not the way, all you will do is make those left behind feel the guilt of your actions.


sweetiepye profile image

Hello, It occurs to me that whatever you have been doing for the past 10 years hasn't worked for you. It's probably time to try something else and possibly change your expectations. No one is going to do this for you and that is tough to take. Drs. and therapists can advise you, but you have to make the effort. Borderriever has given you excellent advice, you might want to read it again and start from there. We could give you more advice if we knew a bit more about you. Do you work, live alone, that kind of information is helpful. Don't give up on yourself, we can walk along side of you. Pam

negative7 profile image
negative7 in reply to sweetiepye

I live with my land lady and her pets, I recently broke up with my partner and got kicked out since I was living with him. I thought I was finally getting better but then we broke up and it just seems like no one cares anymore since when I tell anyone how I feel they just call the police which don't help. I've tried different meds and none of them help, the doctors don't want to give me therapy and it seems like they don't care either

sweetiepye profile image
sweetiepye in reply to negative7

Well, I'm thinking there's more to the story than this. Why were the police involved?Do you have a general practioner?You need to see one.

in reply to negative7


Can you explain why the Police are involved, if you need advice we need to have some various explanations how your condition is effecting your Life.

Life can be hard when you are not well and I have a problem especially in the past where I suffer raw anger caused by flustration. My last outbreak was when the Electricity Board was digging up part of the garden about five weeks ago.

Knowing cause and effect helps to control our feelings


negative7 profile image
negative7 in reply to

My friend phoned the police because I was threatening suicide. I have a GP but they just gave me meds and expect me to get better. I've had to change GPs because I had to move. I struggle to cope as most of my friends are too 'busy' which I think is an excuse because they don't want to deal with me being depressed, which is also why I think my partner broke up with me.

I briefly saw a psychiatrist on Thursday who said that he thinks I hate myself, which might be true because I'm transgender and have been waiting to be seen at the gender clinic for 2.5 years and potentially another year wait. To me it seems like the doctors don't care.

The police took me to the mental health hospital to be seen but the doctor blamed me for being depressed, told me to apologise to my friend and then when she asked if I was still suicidal, i replied yes and she just discharged me anyway.

When we feel suicidal, generally many around us may feel worried and unsettled they become wary of your thoughts and actions and fear seems to push them to do things to spare you from yourself.

Have you tried Suicide or is it a hit back at people who have upset you. ?.

Ten years with a Mental Health problem is a long time and if you dislike what you are or have become I would think your Self Worth must be at rock bottom.

Sometimes in a Hospital environment they will ask the above question and try and work out if you are at a point where you are so Depressed you are likely to do it.

In my case I was rushed into hospital after an overdose of Opiates, AD Medications and NSIDS, I had also drunk a good bit of beer and whiskey. The treatment was nasty as was the questions before and afterwards. There attitude was not what anyone would expect and next morning I was kicked out the hospital and told because it was Christmas they were short of ambulances, I then had to catch the bus home.

In the afternoon the Crisis Team came to see me, satisfied I would behave, wished Merry Christmas and arranged a CPN to visit, I was also seen by the Police as they had been called

when I was found by my Wife.

You need help and if you have a new GP the Surgery should have your notes after your new registration. So your new GP should have your Records

What has caused your Depression and lack of Self Worth ? I understand your upset regards your Partner, it is your earlier life that seems to be where your problem lies.

Talk to your new GP. If we can help, will try. There are many here who can listen and give encouragement. You are not alone.


negative7 profile image
negative7 in reply to

I have tried suicide but I'm too weak to go through with it, I tried suffocating myself with a plastic bag and when I was younger I tried to break my neck by falling down a set of stairs. I don't know what the cause is but I was bullied a lot at school.

I've never had a check up after being sent to the hospital. They gave me diazepam to take when I'm stressed but it doesn't do anything

in reply to negative7


Like you I was bullied, in my case it was generally caused by being two days away from starting school 12 months later, age when young is a big thing and twelve months is an age. We also lived in what they called a posh area and the School was a tough place for those younger than the average.

Your Suicide seems to have been more as a cry for help and that is good and shows you have your interests too live.

When we suffer from Depression generally speaking you need to want to become well once more, coming on here shows you are wanting to consider a future and that is good.

I keep mentioning here and I am a firm believer the look for diversion in life and if that is done eventually in a group it can help you get out of an insular existence. Sport can help as can swimming or something like gardening. We both took classes and that opened us up to new people and their interests. With luck this will become a passion and that will remove the dwelling on past problems that was so far, far away.

Approaching problems with depression, we need to be brave and persistent.

The help of a CPN who understands your needs can help as addressing a change by coming to terms what has gone before does help, this can become very liberating.

Again I have approached the fact, if you split up your problems in small pieces you can address each little bite easier and then you progress down the line. When you get stuck look at another problem and do the same. Eventually you will find your problems get less and you then become more confident. Give it a try


If you are in England and suffering anxiety and depression then see if there is a local iapt or talking therapies service around. They would be able to see you quite quickly and offer some short term intervention while you wait to see the gender clinic. You are able to self refer in most areas so wouldn't need to go through your gp. if when you get there they think you need help from someone else they will then refer you to them.

The police are not the best people to help when you are feeling suicidal. Try Samaritans or if you have done something about it go to A&E. hospitals do often send you home after seeing you as but they should contact your GP to let them know what has happened and if thought appropriate will put you in touch with the crisis team.

Don't give up, things can change

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