anyone experienced genital numbness even after taking just one dose of sertraline (25mg). Does it subside over time? Worried it’s going to be permanently like this now.
sertraline sexual side effects - Mental Health Sup...
sertraline sexual side effects
Unfortunately all these type of antidepressants can cause problems with sexual drive for some people...I'm on Mirtazapine and the downstairs department seems near dead.
Yes, it is a side effect that Dr's seem to overlook or not know about when they prescribe them. It did not go away for me and was the same with Prozac... misery making when you least need it. Just reading around the net mirtrazapine might be one with less side effects including sexual problems but I have not been on this myself. One website said take a med holiday for a day here and there but I am not sure you should do this with SSRI's or if it would even work as they are already in your system.
Hi Rose .I've been on sertraline 27 yrs numbness to report but I do struggle to orgasam. Don't know if it's the sertraline or mental blocks from childhood trauma 🤔. Ps iam female 47 yrs .