I'm struggling to come to terms with my depression, l took time off university to try and understand my emotions. No one aroubds me knows. I was prescribed pills by the Gp for depression but haven't taken them yet!! I feel lost l guess and getting myself worked up each day.
Not sure : I'm struggling to come to... - Mental Health Sup...
Not sure

Hello Pixie, welcome to the forum. Is there a particular reason you haven't started your medication? Please try to remember that depression is treatable, and curable. It can become completely overwhelming and if given a chance can dominate your whole life. I do know how hard it is but having a routine like studying and attending lectures is really important. Is it your choice to postpone your studies? Most Universities of good support these days for students with mental health difficulties, have you asked? Have you returned home to live? It is so important that you have good support around you and you don't isolate yourself. What are you doing all day? If you are not at uni, are you doing anything to occupy your mind, if not you can end up just thinking about depression all the time, and depression loves all that attention. Sorry I have asked lots of questions, how about going back to your GP and asking them about other treatments. It is so important to get some sort of treatment for depression early. Take care.
Hie and thank you for your respond. I am scared to take the medication because of the side effects and Honestly speaking l can't get to grips with the fact that l am depressed. The university have been helpful, l have time off till July and planning to see the go this week for a check up. I tried going back home but l don't get along with my mum and she mocked me when l mentioned the fact l was feeling depressed. At present lm leaving with my friend until l get back to university. During the day l don't have much to do, l run a online boutique but have left that since the beginning of my depression. I just feel under and am trying to keep happy. Thank you for the questions l appreciate it.
I can identify what you're going through because I am in a similar situation, I started university last year but then things got on top of me and I've ended up having to take a break because of depression. I know it's scary because of the stigma concerning depression but you'll find you feel a lot more isolated by not talking about it. You could start off by talking to Samaritan's about it anonymously as that's what they are there for and take it from there, they also might be able to give you advice about how to tell other people about your depression. I have also been given medication and I strongly advise that you start taking it, I was very scared to be put on anti depressants but I know that I need them just to get by. You will still have bad days and might have some side effects, but you should have regular appointments with your gp and if you feel like you're not getting better on the medication they will increase the dose or try another medication, it's a little bit of trial and error. It's also important that you don't put any pressure on yourself about doing anything, just take each day as it comes and if you feel like staying in bed all day that's not a problem, you have a legitimate illness which consumes a lot of your time and energy. Just make sure that you are still going outside on a semi regular basis to see your friends or to do something as it will help take your mind off of it. I got a job delivering pizzas as soon as I felt up to it because it's giving me a reason to drag myself out of the house and keeps me occupied for a few hours. Did your gp mention about therapy or counselling as that would help you figure out your emotions?
Thank you for your message, university was too much for me especially not having anyone to talk to. Quest thing about it was being stuck in my room after lectures with no one but l thought l was managing until it all hit me at once. I feel l have too much troubles to talk to samaritans at this moment. But l will give it a try. I'm going to sound sad but l only have one person l talk to and they work all the time. That's amaizing you doing pizza delivery, l tried a part time job as a receptionist but ended up embarrassing myself by crying in the third day. I will definitely ask about the counselling l think l might need it. Thank you again and l hope you are doing better.
I completely understand that, I thought I was coping fine until it came to sitting the exams and I just couldn't face going back. I know it's difficult and that's why I would definitely recommend counselling because it's a safe space for you to talk about things and you can go at your own pace, and you can continue with it for as long as needed. I know it takes a while to get counselling so if you feel really desperate to talk to someone the Samaritans are there and they are completely understanding, you can call, text, email or see them face to face, whatever is most comfortable for you. I'm sure if that person knows how desperate you are to get things off your chest they'll try to make time for you so you can talk. Well done for still trying and don't be too hard on yourself if things don't go the way as planned, you have an illness so should give yourself some leeway. It is absolutely no problem and I wish you all the best.
Take care.
Hi pixie I just wanted to say that i relate because i struggled all the way through university (graduated MEng last year) but I did not get the help I needed at that time and instead decided to soldier onwards, tell lies to hide it and all kinds of things. I would advise you take the medicine because it will definitely help. Do not sit thinking about the problem as our mutual friend here has already said depression will thrive on that. Do not feel embarrassed or ashamed of what is happening, and do not think that it is normal for everyone to feel like that and that you are just weak because it isn't and you aren't. It also takes quite a time for the medicine to do anything so the sooner you take it the sooner it will work. If you suffer side effects remember it is normal for these drugs to do this and you CAN reach out for help. If the drugs don't work after a few weeks that can happen too so there is always another way. Don't feel bad that this happened to you it is just one if those things. The ability to find new answers and see paths forwards seems impossible but you can feel that way again. Best of luck x
Thank you for the message , l agree all you have said sounds like me. L bottle everything on and keep soldering on l hope to write more here to here more from people because l feel as though l might loose my head. I have been feel embarrassed and worthless lately especially being 24 and not accomplished much in life plus the depression. L will definitely go see the gp ask for a syringe dosage and update you in here. Thank you for your advice and encouraging words m.
Do not delay taking the tablets as they will help you and they take about 8 weeks to work just in case you take them and think nothing is happening.
What help me and many others whilst waiting for counselling was to get a notepad sit in a very quiet place and write down all that is troubling you or whatever thoughts come into your head. As your mind has gone into overload and all the crap is fighting to get out we have to release the bad or what ever is troubling us other wise you will go into melt down.
We have to get rid of the rubbish to move forward in life.
Hope this helps.
Do not delay taking the tablets as they will help you and they take about 8 weeks to work just in case you take them and think nothing is happening.
What help me and many others whilst waiting for counselling was to get a notepad sit in a very quiet place and write down all that is troubling you or whatever thoughts come into your head. As your mind has gone into overload and all the crap is fighting to get out we have to release the bad or what ever is troubling us other wise you will go into melt down.
We have to get rid of the rubbish to move forward in life.
Hope this helps.
Hie and thank you for your message. I felt a bit scared with the effects and l was not sure to take them as l always delt with all my problems before. I like the idea of writing down my thoughts so l will definitely give it a go and update you . Thank you for the encouraging words l appreciate it.