Pip help: I went for a concussion with... - Mental Health Sup...

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Pip help

Anntammadge1 profile image
5 Replies

I went for a concussion with the pip from dla about my benifits and got a letter saying that I scored was 0 Evan though I broke down in tears had a panic attack and couldnot answer all questions now they stoping my benifits which I relay on for food and bill

Can anyone help with information nowhere to turn I got bi polar and anxiety and OCD with germs and people fears

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Anntammadge1 profile image
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5 Replies
Welshy71 profile image

Hi have u a cab near you cause they can help u with a complaint as I know a lot of people appealing don't gave up x

spykey profile image

Hi Anntammadge

Welcome to the site, the members are all friendly, supportive & non-judgemental.

So you've had an assessment for Pip & you've lost your Dla benefits due to scoring 0 on your assessment! Did anyone go with you to the assessment? Or support you with a letter about your conditions? Someone who knows you really well or your GP?

I am not an expert on Pip but I understand you have 15 points & can also depend on the assessor as to what marks you get, to get even the lowest benefit award & lots of people are in the same situation as you! Some have even had their notability cars taken away! So they are being pretty harsh on everybody! I do know that those with emotional & mental health illnesses & conditions are being hit Really Hard through the Pip system!

However, I do know you can appeal against the judgement & go to an appeal panel, but nothing is guaranteed!

There are organisations that will help you fill in the paper work to support you! And some even go with you to support you, although they are not allowed to talk or go into the panel! Go to your local CAB -Citizens Advice Bureau who should be able to help advise you & direct where to go! There should also be some numbers on the internet & some advice about how to appeal! Sorry I wish I could help you more!

Good Luck & Warmest Wishes. Take Care


Brumchick profile image
Brumchick in reply to spykey

Hi you need to be sure to write informing them of your wish to appeal within 28 days or they can prevent the appeal process. If i remember correctly.Definitly dont delay.Keep appealing until you get your just award.Its stressful but as much a 45% of appelants get their benefits reinstated. also look into getting a mental health advocate to stand by you .Best of luck .Oh and if they deny at first appeal put in again,as they routinely fail the first appeal to see who they can winnow out ,eg. Blaggers ,etc... it is stressful but no more so than having no income and being unable to work.Also i think some money is paid ubtil the final result.Im working from memory here but a benefits adviser will know exactly what needs to be done .Dont delay .Best of luck .

Fi68 profile image

Hello, 4 years ago I applied for PIP and had to attend a face to face interview. At the time I was suffering from an episode of depression, which I had suffered from for the past 20 years. I must admit I was surprised to get the award because of all the horror stories I had heard. Last week I got 2 dreaded letters. One from DWP, the work capability assessment for ESA, and the other a review of my PIP award. A bit of a double whammy!! After having a melt down about it, I have calmed down a bit. My situation has changed from the initial award in that I have now been diagnosed as Bipolar Disorder type II with complex PTSD, Hypothyroidism and Gall Bladder difficulties needing an operation. This means that I see three consultants and have letters about appointments, test results, diagnosis and treatment plans. I also have a care coordinator so have a care plan, and as I am on a DBT treatment programme I have a therapist. This time when I send the form back it will be stuffed with photocopies of reports, plans, and a fair sized list of professionals that they can approach for more information. Also included will be the list of medications I currently take including any side effects. One of the things people with Bipolar are tempted to do is tick the 'it varies' box, this automatically gets you 0 points. Always fill the form in recalling your worst day not your best, even though you maybe taking meds. I know that my meds have improved my life a lot, but not to the extent that I am able to manage to work for any sustained period. Describe your symptoms when you don't take your meds. I would advise you to write to them saying that you are appealing against the decision, then contact your cab, local mental health team or organisations like MIND, Rethink or Recovery Focus and ask for an advocate to help you. Get together all those letters we stick in a drawer and go through them, ask to see a psychiatrist for a medication review, get it documented and insist on getting copies of any reports and letters sent to your GP, if you can get your GP onside all the better. As you know Bipolar is classed as a severe mental disorder that lasts a lifetime, it is really important to stress this, it is a mental disorder that has a severe impact on your daily activities, which will continue to have effects for the rest of your life.

Now I know all this sounds very bleak, remember this is not the complete you, this is just the bit of you that is Bipolar. Fill in any forms a bit at a time, don't try and do it all in one go, take breaks, set your self goals, for instance today I am going to have a hunt about the house for any letters about my health condition, today I am going to fill in one question or today I am going to phone and try and get an advocate. When you have done the task, treat yourself, small steps regularly will get the forms and evidence collated without the stress and panic of last minute work. Search websites for other people's experience of PIP and appeals, even just to hear and understand what the process means is empowering.

Take heart, about 60% of appeals are being granted, I think, so if you get all that stuff together and get some advice or an advocate you will be in a much stronger position in your appeal.

Phew, what a long post, I hope this is helpful. Take care.


Bert-75 profile image

i got a support letter from doctor and they still scored me 0 for ptsd anxiety and depression but got a phone call about 3 weeks later from head woman and they over ruled examiner so it is worth talking to gp

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